Forest_Client/Forest/Assets/ThirdParty/Best HTTP/Source/HTTPManager.cs

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2024-06-12 15:01:54 +08:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BestHTTP.Caching;
using BestHTTP.Core;
using BestHTTP.Extensions;
using BestHTTP.Logger;
using BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Memory;
using BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Text;
using Unity.Profiling;
using BestHTTP.Cookies;
using BestHTTP.Connections;
namespace BestHTTP
public enum ShutdownTypes
public delegate Connections.TLS.AbstractTls13Client TlsClientFactoryDelegate(HTTPRequest request, List<SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.ProtocolName> protocols);
public delegate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate ClientCertificateSelector(HTTPRequest request, string targetHost, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection localCertificates, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate remoteCertificate, string[] acceptableIssuers);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static partial class HTTPManager
// Static constructor. Setup default values
static HTTPManager()
MaxConnectionPerServer = 6;
KeepAliveDefaultValue = true;
MaxPathLength = 255;
MaxConnectionIdleTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
// Under webgl when IsCookiesEnabled is true, it will set the withCredentials flag for the XmlHTTPRequest
// and that's different from the default behavior.
IsCookiesEnabled = false;
IsCookiesEnabled = true;
CookieJarSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
EnablePrivateBrowsing = false;
ConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
// Set the default logger mechanism
logger = new BestHTTP.Logger.ThreadedLogger();
UseAlternateSSLDefaultValue = true;
IOService = new PlatformSupport.FileSystem.NETFXCOREIOService();
IOService = new PlatformSupport.FileSystem.DefaultIOService();
ProxyDetector = new Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector();
/// <summary>
/// HTTP/2 settings
/// </summary>
public static Connections.HTTP2.HTTP2PluginSettings HTTP2Settings = new Connections.HTTP2.HTTP2PluginSettings();
#region Global Options
/// <summary>
/// The maximum active TCP connections that the client will maintain to a server. Default value is 6. Minimum value is 1.
/// </summary>
public static byte MaxConnectionPerServer
get{ return maxConnectionPerServer; }
if (value <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("MaxConnectionPerServer must be greater than 0!");
bool isGrowing = value > maxConnectionPerServer;
maxConnectionPerServer = value;
// If the allowed connections per server is growing, go through all hosts and try to send out queueud requests.
if (isGrowing)
private static byte maxConnectionPerServer;
/// <summary>
/// Default value of a HTTP request's IsKeepAlive value. Default value is true. If you make rare request to the server it should be changed to false.
/// </summary>
public static bool KeepAliveDefaultValue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Set to true, if caching is prohibited.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsCachingDisabled { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// How many time must be passed to destroy that connection after a connection finished its last request. Its default value is 20 seconds.
/// </summary>
public static TimeSpan MaxConnectionIdleTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Set to false to disable all Cookie. It's default value is true.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsCookiesEnabled { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Size of the Cookie Jar in bytes. It's default value is 10485760 (10 MB).
/// </summary>
public static uint CookieJarSize { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If this property is set to true, then new cookies treated as session cookies and these cookies are not saved to disk. Its default value is false;
/// </summary>
public static bool EnablePrivateBrowsing { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Global, default value of the HTTPRequest's ConnectTimeout property. If set to TimeSpan.Zero or lower, no connect timeout logic is executed. Default value is 20 seconds.
/// </summary>
public static TimeSpan ConnectTimeout { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Global, default value of the HTTPRequest's Timeout property. Default value is 60 seconds.
/// </summary>
public static TimeSpan RequestTimeout { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// By default the plugin will save all cache and cookie data under the path returned by Application.persistentDataPath.
/// You can assign a function to this delegate to return a custom root path to define a new path.
/// <remarks>This delegate will be called on a non Unity thread!</remarks>
/// </summary>
public static System.Func<string> RootCacheFolderProvider { get; set; }
public static Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector ProxyDetector {
get => _proxyDetector;
set {
_proxyDetector = value;
private static Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector _proxyDetector;
/// <summary>
/// The global, default proxy for all HTTPRequests. The HTTPRequest's Proxy still can be changed per-request. Default value is null.
/// </summary>
public static Proxy Proxy { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Heartbeat manager to use less threads in the plugin. The heartbeat updates are called from the OnUpdate function.
/// </summary>
public static HeartbeatManager Heartbeats
if (heartbeats == null)
heartbeats = new HeartbeatManager();
return heartbeats;
private static HeartbeatManager heartbeats;
/// <summary>
/// A basic BestHTTP.Logger.ILogger implementation to be able to log intelligently additional informations about the plugin's internal mechanism.
/// </summary>
public static BestHTTP.Logger.ILogger Logger
// Make sure that it has a valid logger instance.
if (logger == null)
logger = new ThreadedLogger();
logger.Level = Loglevels.None;
return logger;
set { logger = value; }
private static BestHTTP.Logger.ILogger logger;
public static TlsClientFactoryDelegate TlsClientFactory;
public static Connections.TLS.AbstractTls13Client DefaultTlsClientFactory(HTTPRequest request, List<SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.ProtocolName> protocols)
// -It is RECOMMENDED that clients include an extension of type "server_name" in the client hello whenever they locate a server by a supported name type.
// -Literal IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are not permitted in "HostName".
// User-defined list has a higher priority
List<SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.ServerName> hostNames = null;
// If there's no user defined one and the host isn't an IP address, add the default one
if (!request.CurrentUri.IsHostIsAnIPAddress())
hostNames = new List<SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.ServerName>(1);
hostNames.Add(new SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Tls.ServerName(0, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(request.CurrentUri.Host)));
return new Connections.TLS.DefaultTls13Client(request, hostNames, protocols);
/// <summary>
/// The default value for the HTTPRequest's UseAlternateSSL property.
/// </summary>
public static bool UseAlternateSSLDefaultValue { get; set; }
public static Func<HTTPRequest, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors, bool> DefaultCertificationValidator;
public static ClientCertificateSelector ClientCertificationProvider;
/// <summary>
/// TCP Client's send buffer size.
/// </summary>
public static int? SendBufferSize;
/// <summary>
/// TCP Client's receive buffer size.
/// </summary>
public static int? ReceiveBufferSize;
/// <summary>
/// An IIOService implementation to handle filesystem operations.
/// </summary>
public static PlatformSupport.FileSystem.IIOService IOService;
/// <summary>
/// On most systems the maximum length of a path is around 255 character. If a cache entity's path is longer than this value it doesn't get cached. There no platform independent API to query the exact value on the current system, but it's
/// exposed here and can be overridden. It's default value is 255.
/// </summary>
internal static int MaxPathLength { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// User-agent string that will be sent with each requests.
/// </summary>
public static string UserAgent = "BestHTTP/2 v2.8.4";
/// <summary>
/// It's true if the application is quitting and the plugin is shutting down itself.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsQuitting { get { return _isQuitting; } private set { _isQuitting = value; } }
private static volatile bool _isQuitting;
#region Manager variables
private static bool IsSetupCalled;
#region Public Interface
public static void Setup()
if (IsSetupCalled)
IsSetupCalled = true;
IsQuitting = false;
HTTPManager.Logger.Information("HTTPManager", "Setup called! UserAgent: " + UserAgent);
public static HTTPRequest SendRequest(string url, OnRequestFinishedDelegate callback)
return SendRequest(new HTTPRequest(new Uri(url), HTTPMethods.Get, callback));
public static HTTPRequest SendRequest(string url, HTTPMethods methodType, OnRequestFinishedDelegate callback)
return SendRequest(new HTTPRequest(new Uri(url), methodType, callback));
public static HTTPRequest SendRequest(string url, HTTPMethods methodType, bool isKeepAlive, OnRequestFinishedDelegate callback)
return SendRequest(new HTTPRequest(new Uri(url), methodType, isKeepAlive, callback));
public static HTTPRequest SendRequest(string url, HTTPMethods methodType, bool isKeepAlive, bool disableCache, OnRequestFinishedDelegate callback)
return SendRequest(new HTTPRequest(new Uri(url), methodType, isKeepAlive, disableCache, callback));
public static HTTPRequest SendRequest(HTTPRequest request)
if (!IsSetupCalled)
if (request.IsCancellationRequested || IsQuitting)
return request;
// If possible load the full response from cache.
if (Caching.HTTPCacheService.IsCachedEntityExpiresInTheFuture(request))
DateTime started = DateTime.Now;
PlatformSupport.Threading.ThreadedRunner.RunShortLiving<HTTPRequest>((req) =>
if (Connections.ConnectionHelper.TryLoadAllFromCache("HTTPManager", req, req.Context))
req.Timing.Add("Full Cache Load", DateTime.Now - started);
req.State = HTTPRequestStates.Finished;
// If for some reason it couldn't load we place back the request to the queue.
request.State = HTTPRequestStates.Queued;
RequestEventHelper.EnqueueRequestEvent(new RequestEventInfo(request, RequestEvents.Resend));
}, request);
request.State = HTTPRequestStates.Queued;
RequestEventHelper.EnqueueRequestEvent(new RequestEventInfo(request, RequestEvents.Resend));
return request;
#region Internal Helper Functions
/// <summary>
/// Will return where the various caches should be saved.
/// </summary>
public static string GetRootCacheFolder()
if (RootCacheFolderProvider != null)
return RootCacheFolderProvider();
catch(Exception ex)
HTTPManager.Logger.Exception("HTTPManager", "GetRootCacheFolder", ex);
return Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path;
return UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath;
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
public static void ResetSetup()
IsSetupCalled = false;
HTTPManager.Logger.Information("HTTPManager", "Reset called!");
#region MonoBehaviour Events (Called from HTTPUpdateDelegator)
/// <summary>
/// Update function that should be called regularly from a Unity event(Update, LateUpdate). Callbacks are dispatched from this function.
/// </summary>
public static void OnUpdate()
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(RequestEventHelper)).Auto())
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(ConnectionEventHelper)).Auto())
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(ProtocolEventHelper)).Auto())
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(PluginEventHelper)).Auto())
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(Timer)).Auto())
if (heartbeats != null)
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(HeartbeatManager)).Auto())
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(BufferPool)).Auto())
using (var _ = new ProfilerMarker(nameof(StringBuilderPool)).Auto())
public static void OnQuit()
HTTPManager.Logger.Information("HTTPManager", "OnQuit called!");
IsQuitting = true;
public static void AbortAll()
HTTPManager.Logger.Information("HTTPManager", "AbortAll called!");
// This is an immediate shutdown request!