##!/bin/bash SHELL_DIR=$(dirname $0) echo "change dir to $SHELL_DIR" cd "$SHELL_DIR" # Source the local environment if [ -f ./local_env.sh ]; then source ./local_env.sh echo "found the local_env file" fi # Set the target platform (e.g., Android, iOS, Windows, etc.) PLATFORM="Android" #PLATFORM="iOS" # Set if needs to clear cache CLEARCACHED="yes" #CLEARCACHED="no" #Set build Addressables groups (modify as needed) ADDRESSABLES_GROUPS="Level" EXECUTE_METHOD="BatchBuild.BuildAddressables" LOG_FILE="$PROJECT_BUILD_FOLDER/$PLATFORM/$VERSION/buildResource.log" # Set the URL where you want to send the message NOTE_URL="https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key=3c92758c-1128-4931-ac8d-f19669d7befe" echo "Start building Addressables groups [$ADDRESSABLES_GROUPS]... ..." # Execute Unity build command "$UNITY_PATH" -quit -batchmode -projectPath "$PROJECT_PATH" -executeMethod "$EXECUTE_METHOD" \ -platform "$PLATFORM" \ -profile Debug \ -clearCached "$CLEARCACHED" \ -groups "$ADDRESSABLES_GROUPS" \ -logFile "$LOG_FILE" build_result=$? if [ $build_result -ne 0 ]; then echo "GROUPS: [$ADDRESSABLES_GROUPS] build failed. Check the log for details." sh to_inner_wechat_robot.sh " ADDRESSABLES GROUPS: [$ADDRESSABLES_GROUPS] 构建失败, 错误码【"$build_result"】,详情查看工作机器上的Log" exit 1 else echo "GROUPS: [$ADDRESSABLES_GROUPS] build successful." fi #sh to_inner_wechat_robot.sh "$MESSAGE" # upload remote resource to server #sh upload_to_server.sh "$PLATFORM" "$VERSION"