##!/bin/bash SHELL_DIR=$(dirname $0) echo "change dir to $SHELL_DIR" cd "$SHELL_DIR" # Source the local environment if [ -f ./local_env.sh ]; then source ./local_env.sh echo "found the local_env file" fi VERSION="$1" PLATFORM="$2" WORKSPACE="$3" # Set remote server details (modify as needed) REMOTE_USER="root" REMOTE_HOST="" REMOTE_PATH="/var/www/html/nld/$WORKSPACE/$PLATFORM/$VERSION" echo "remote path : $REMOTE_PATH" # Set remote Build Path (local) (modify as needed) BUILD_PATH="../../ProjectNLD/ServerData/$PLATFORM/" # Set the URL where you want to send the message NOTE_URL="https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key=3c92758c-1128-4931-ac8d-f19669d7befe" tar -czvf upload.tgz -C "$BUILD_PATH" . ssh "$REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST" "mkdir -p $REMOTE_PATH" scp upload.tgz "$REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH" ssh "$REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST" "cd $REMOTE_PATH;tar -xzvf upload.tgz;rm -rf upload.tgz" upload_result=$? if [ $upload_result -eq 0 ]; then echo "Build uploaded to remote server successfully." else sh to_inner_wechat_robot.sh "【$PLATFORM】【$VERSION】【$PROFILE】Failed to upload build to remote server! " echo "Failed to upload build to remote server." fi rm -rf upload.tgz