
177 lines
8.2 KiB

def PROFILE_PARAM = "Debug"
def PLATFORM_PARAM = "Android"
def ARTIFACT_URL = "${env.JOB_NAME}/"
def Enable_Hot_Update = "false"
def build_result
def checkFolderExists(folderPath) {
def combieCmd = "test -d ${folderPath} && echo exists || echo not exists"
def folderExists = sh(script: combieCmd, returnStdout: true).trim()
if (folderExists == 'exists') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
def checkFileExists(filePath) {
def combieCmd = "test -f ${filePath} && echo exists || echo not exists"
def fileExists = sh(script: combieCmd, returnStdout: true).trim()
if (fileExists == 'exists') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
def copyFolder(sourceFolder, targetFolder) {
sh "cp -Rf ${sourceFolder} ${targetFolder}"
def copyFile(sourceFile, targetFile) {
sh "cp -f ${sourceFile} ${targetFile}"
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('拉最新工程') {
steps {
//echo 'p4 拉取最新的代码....'
//checkout perforce(
//credential: 'af66652c-5a02-4d8c-9727-9955d855d23f',
//populate: autoClean(delete: true, modtime: false,
//parallel: [enable: false, minbytes: '1024', minfiles: '1', threads: '4'],
//pin: '', quiet: true, replace: true, tidy: false),
//workspace: streamSpec(charset: 'utf8', format: 'jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}-${EXECUTOR_NUMBER}', pinHost: false, streamName: '//ProjectNLD/main')
echo 'git 还原本地修改....'
script {
// 保存当前工作路径
def currentPath = sh(script: 'pwd', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo "Current path: ${currentPath}"
// 先删除Assets/PhxhSDK/Phxh/SDKHelper文件夹
def sdkHelperPath = "$WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/Assets/PhxhSDK/Phxh/SDKHelper"
if (checkFolderExists(sdkHelperPath)) {
echo "准备删除${sdkHelperPath}文件夹"
sh "rm -rf ${sdkHelperPath}"
echo "删除${sdkHelperPath}文件夹成功"
// cd到Phxh目录并进行还原
echo "cd $WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/Assets/PhxhSDK/Phxh"
sh "cd $WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/Assets/PhxhSDK/Phxh && git checkout -- ."
// def projectSettingsPath = "$WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/ProjectSettings"
// if (checkFolderExists(projectSettingsPath)) {
// echo "准备删除${projectSettingsPath}文件夹"
// sh "rm -rf ${projectSettingsPath}"
// echo "删除${projectSettingsPath}文件夹成功"
// }
// // cd到ProjectSettings目录并进行还原
// echo "cd $WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/ProjectSettings"
// sh "cd $WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/ProjectSettings && git checkout -- ."
// cd到工作路径
echo "cd ${currentPath}"
echo 'git 拉取最新的代码....'
checkout scmGit(branches: [[name: '*/main']],
extensions: [checkoutOption(60), lfs(), submodule(recursiveSubmodules: true, reference: '', timeout: 1200)],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '']])
stage('根据channel拷贝文件') {
steps {
script {
echo "根据channel拷贝文件"
// 先判定channel文件夹是否存在
def channelPath = "$WORKSPACE/Tool/Channels/${params.Channel}"
if (!checkFolderExists(channelPath)) {
error("Channel文件夹不存在: ${channelPath}")
// 判断define_list.txt文件是否存在
def defineListPath = "${channelPath}/define_list.txt"
if (!checkFileExists(defineListPath)) {
error("define_list.txt文件不存在: ${defineListPath}")
// 拷贝Asset文件夹
def channelAssetPath = "${channelPath}/Assets"
if (checkFolderExists(channelAssetPath)) {
copyFolder(channelAssetPath, "$WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/")
echo "拷贝Asset文件夹成功"
// 拷贝ProjectSettings文件夹
def channelProjectSettingsPath = "${channelPath}/ProjectSettings"
if (checkFolderExists(channelProjectSettingsPath)) {
copyFolder(channelProjectSettingsPath, "$WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/")
echo "拷贝ProjectSettings文件夹成功"
// 拷贝define_list.txt文件
copyFile(defineListPath, "$WORKSPACE/ProjectNLD/define_list.txt")
echo "拷贝define_list.txt文件成功"
stage('打包') {
steps {
echo "copy local env file to ${WORKSPACE}"
sh "cp /Users/mayuanzheng/Builds/ $WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/"
echo "make shell executable"
sh "chmod +x $WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/"
sh "chmod +x $WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/"
echo "execute build shell"
script {
if(params.Debug_AllLocal == true)
if(params.Enable_Hot_Update == true)
Enable_Hot_Update = "true"
if(params.Update_Previous_Build == true)
build_result=sh(script: "$WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/ ${VERSION_PARAM} ${PLATFORM_PARAM} ${PROFILE_PARAM} ${ARTIFACT_URL} ${Enable_Hot_Update}", returnStatus: true, returnStdout: false)
build_result=sh(script: "$WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/ ${VERSION_PARAM} ${PROFILE_PARAM} ${ARTIFACT_URL} ${Enable_Hot_Update}", returnStatus: true, returnStdout: false)
if(build_result != 0)
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "$BUILD_PATH/build.log" , followSymlinks: false
error("Failure of the '打包' stage")
stage('上传') {
steps {
echo "上传"
echo "make shell executable"
sh "chmod +x $WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/"
echo "execute build shell"
stage('归档') {
steps {
echo "归档"
script {
if (params.Update_Previous_Build == false) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "$BUILD_PATH/*.apk" , followSymlinks: false
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "$BUILD_PATH/build.log" , followSymlinks: false
} else {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "$BUILD_PATH/UpdatePreviousBuild.log" , followSymlinks: false
stage('通知') {
steps {
echo "通知"
sh "chmod +x $WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/"
script {
def message = "【${PLATFORM_PARAM}】【${VERSION_PARAM}】【${PROFILE_PARAM}】客户端打包上传成功!下载链接:${ARTIFACT_URL}"
sh "$WORKSPACE/Tool/BuildTool/ ${message}"