#if CSHARP_7_OR_LATER || (UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER && (NET_STANDARD_2_0 || NET_4_6)) #pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member using System; using System.Threading; namespace UniRx.Async { public class AsyncLazy { Func valueFactory; UniTask target; object syncLock; bool initialized; public AsyncLazy(Func valueFactory) { this.valueFactory = valueFactory; this.target = default; this.syncLock = new object(); this.initialized = false; } internal AsyncLazy(UniTask value) { this.valueFactory = null; this.target = value; this.syncLock = null; this.initialized = true; } public UniTask Task => EnsureInitialized(); public UniTask.Awaiter GetAwaiter() => EnsureInitialized().GetAwaiter(); UniTask EnsureInitialized() { if (Volatile.Read(ref initialized)) { return target; } return EnsureInitializedCore(); } UniTask EnsureInitializedCore() { lock (syncLock) { if (!Volatile.Read(ref initialized)) { var f = Interlocked.Exchange(ref valueFactory, null); if (f != null) { target = f().Preserve(); // with preserve(allow multiple await). Volatile.Write(ref initialized, true); } } } return target; } } public class AsyncLazy { Func> valueFactory; UniTask target; object syncLock; bool initialized; public AsyncLazy(Func> valueFactory) { this.valueFactory = valueFactory; this.target = default; this.syncLock = new object(); this.initialized = false; } internal AsyncLazy(UniTask value) { this.valueFactory = null; this.target = value; this.syncLock = null; this.initialized = true; } public UniTask Task => EnsureInitialized(); public UniTask.Awaiter GetAwaiter() => EnsureInitialized().GetAwaiter(); UniTask EnsureInitialized() { if (Volatile.Read(ref initialized)) { return target; } return EnsureInitializedCore(); } UniTask EnsureInitializedCore() { lock (syncLock) { if (!Volatile.Read(ref initialized)) { var f = Interlocked.Exchange(ref valueFactory, null); if (f != null) { target = f().Preserve(); // with preserve(allow multiple await). Volatile.Write(ref initialized, true); } } } return target; } } } #endif