#region License // Copyright (c) 2007 James Newton-King // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using LC.Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities; namespace LC.Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonPath { internal class JPath { private static readonly char[] FloatCharacters = new[] {'.', 'E', 'e'}; private readonly string _expression; public List Filters { get; } private int _currentIndex; public JPath(string expression) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(expression, nameof(expression)); _expression = expression; Filters = new List(); ParseMain(); } private void ParseMain() { int currentPartStartIndex = _currentIndex; EatWhitespace(); if (_expression.Length == _currentIndex) { return; } if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '$') { if (_expression.Length == 1) { return; } // only increment position for "$." or "$[" // otherwise assume property that starts with $ char c = _expression[_currentIndex + 1]; if (c == '.' || c == '[') { _currentIndex++; currentPartStartIndex = _currentIndex; } } if (!ParsePath(Filters, currentPartStartIndex, false)) { int lastCharacterIndex = _currentIndex; EatWhitespace(); if (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path: " + _expression[lastCharacterIndex]); } } } private bool ParsePath(List filters, int currentPartStartIndex, bool query) { bool scan = false; bool followingIndexer = false; bool followingDot = false; bool ended = false; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length && !ended) { char currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; switch (currentChar) { case '[': case '(': if (_currentIndex > currentPartStartIndex) { string? member = _expression.Substring(currentPartStartIndex, _currentIndex - currentPartStartIndex); if (member == "*") { member = null; } filters.Add(CreatePathFilter(member, scan)); scan = false; } filters.Add(ParseIndexer(currentChar, scan)); scan = false; _currentIndex++; currentPartStartIndex = _currentIndex; followingIndexer = true; followingDot = false; break; case ']': case ')': ended = true; break; case ' ': if (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { ended = true; } break; case '.': if (_currentIndex > currentPartStartIndex) { string? member = _expression.Substring(currentPartStartIndex, _currentIndex - currentPartStartIndex); if (member == "*") { member = null; } filters.Add(CreatePathFilter(member, scan)); scan = false; } if (_currentIndex + 1 < _expression.Length && _expression[_currentIndex + 1] == '.') { scan = true; _currentIndex++; } _currentIndex++; currentPartStartIndex = _currentIndex; followingIndexer = false; followingDot = true; break; default: if (query && (currentChar == '=' || currentChar == '<' || currentChar == '!' || currentChar == '>' || currentChar == '|' || currentChar == '&')) { ended = true; } else { if (followingIndexer) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character following indexer: " + currentChar); } _currentIndex++; } break; } } bool atPathEnd = (_currentIndex == _expression.Length); if (_currentIndex > currentPartStartIndex) { string? member = _expression.Substring(currentPartStartIndex, _currentIndex - currentPartStartIndex).TrimEnd(); if (member == "*") { member = null; } filters.Add(CreatePathFilter(member, scan)); } else { // no field name following dot in path and at end of base path/query if (followingDot && (atPathEnd || query)) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected end while parsing path."); } } return atPathEnd; } private static PathFilter CreatePathFilter(string? member, bool scan) { PathFilter filter = (scan) ? (PathFilter)new ScanFilter(member) : new FieldFilter(member); return filter; } private PathFilter ParseIndexer(char indexerOpenChar, bool scan) { _currentIndex++; char indexerCloseChar = (indexerOpenChar == '[') ? ']' : ')'; EnsureLength("Path ended with open indexer."); EatWhitespace(); if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '\'') { return ParseQuotedField(indexerCloseChar, scan); } else if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '?') { return ParseQuery(indexerCloseChar, scan); } else { return ParseArrayIndexer(indexerCloseChar); } } private PathFilter ParseArrayIndexer(char indexerCloseChar) { int start = _currentIndex; int? end = null; List? indexes = null; int colonCount = 0; int? startIndex = null; int? endIndex = null; int? step = null; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { char currentCharacter = _expression[_currentIndex]; if (currentCharacter == ' ') { end = _currentIndex; EatWhitespace(); continue; } if (currentCharacter == indexerCloseChar) { int length = (end ?? _currentIndex) - start; if (indexes != null) { if (length == 0) { throw new JsonException("Array index expected."); } string indexer = _expression.Substring(start, length); int index = Convert.ToInt32(indexer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); indexes.Add(index); return new ArrayMultipleIndexFilter(indexes); } else if (colonCount > 0) { if (length > 0) { string indexer = _expression.Substring(start, length); int index = Convert.ToInt32(indexer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (colonCount == 1) { endIndex = index; } else { step = index; } } return new ArraySliceFilter { Start = startIndex, End = endIndex, Step = step }; } else { if (length == 0) { throw new JsonException("Array index expected."); } string indexer = _expression.Substring(start, length); int index = Convert.ToInt32(indexer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return new ArrayIndexFilter { Index = index }; } } else if (currentCharacter == ',') { int length = (end ?? _currentIndex) - start; if (length == 0) { throw new JsonException("Array index expected."); } if (indexes == null) { indexes = new List(); } string indexer = _expression.Substring(start, length); indexes.Add(Convert.ToInt32(indexer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _currentIndex++; EatWhitespace(); start = _currentIndex; end = null; } else if (currentCharacter == '*') { _currentIndex++; EnsureLength("Path ended with open indexer."); EatWhitespace(); if (_expression[_currentIndex] != indexerCloseChar) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path indexer: " + currentCharacter); } return new ArrayIndexFilter(); } else if (currentCharacter == ':') { int length = (end ?? _currentIndex) - start; if (length > 0) { string indexer = _expression.Substring(start, length); int index = Convert.ToInt32(indexer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (colonCount == 0) { startIndex = index; } else if (colonCount == 1) { endIndex = index; } else { step = index; } } colonCount++; _currentIndex++; EatWhitespace(); start = _currentIndex; end = null; } else if (!char.IsDigit(currentCharacter) && currentCharacter != '-') { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path indexer: " + currentCharacter); } else { if (end != null) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path indexer: " + currentCharacter); } _currentIndex++; } } throw new JsonException("Path ended with open indexer."); } private void EatWhitespace() { while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { if (_expression[_currentIndex] != ' ') { break; } _currentIndex++; } } private PathFilter ParseQuery(char indexerCloseChar, bool scan) { _currentIndex++; EnsureLength("Path ended with open indexer."); if (_expression[_currentIndex] != '(') { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path indexer: " + _expression[_currentIndex]); } _currentIndex++; QueryExpression expression = ParseExpression(); _currentIndex++; EnsureLength("Path ended with open indexer."); EatWhitespace(); if (_expression[_currentIndex] != indexerCloseChar) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path indexer: " + _expression[_currentIndex]); } if (!scan) { return new QueryFilter(expression); } else { return new QueryScanFilter(expression); } } private bool TryParseExpression(out List? expressionPath) { if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '$') { expressionPath = new List { RootFilter.Instance }; } else if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '@') { expressionPath = new List(); } else { expressionPath = null; return false; } _currentIndex++; if (ParsePath(expressionPath!, _currentIndex, true)) { throw new JsonException("Path ended with open query."); } return true; } private JsonException CreateUnexpectedCharacterException() { return new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path query: " + _expression[_currentIndex]); } private object ParseSide() { EatWhitespace(); if (TryParseExpression(out List? expressionPath)) { EatWhitespace(); EnsureLength("Path ended with open query."); return expressionPath!; } if (TryParseValue(out var value)) { EatWhitespace(); EnsureLength("Path ended with open query."); return new JValue(value); } throw CreateUnexpectedCharacterException(); } private QueryExpression ParseExpression() { QueryExpression? rootExpression = null; CompositeExpression? parentExpression = null; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { object left = ParseSide(); object? right = null; QueryOperator op; if (_expression[_currentIndex] == ')' || _expression[_currentIndex] == '|' || _expression[_currentIndex] == '&') { op = QueryOperator.Exists; } else { op = ParseOperator(); right = ParseSide(); } BooleanQueryExpression booleanExpression = new BooleanQueryExpression(op, left, right); if (_expression[_currentIndex] == ')') { if (parentExpression != null) { parentExpression.Expressions.Add(booleanExpression); return rootExpression!; } return booleanExpression; } if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '&') { if (!Match("&&")) { throw CreateUnexpectedCharacterException(); } if (parentExpression == null || parentExpression.Operator != QueryOperator.And) { CompositeExpression andExpression = new CompositeExpression(QueryOperator.And); parentExpression?.Expressions.Add(andExpression); parentExpression = andExpression; if (rootExpression == null) { rootExpression = parentExpression; } } parentExpression.Expressions.Add(booleanExpression); } if (_expression[_currentIndex] == '|') { if (!Match("||")) { throw CreateUnexpectedCharacterException(); } if (parentExpression == null || parentExpression.Operator != QueryOperator.Or) { CompositeExpression orExpression = new CompositeExpression(QueryOperator.Or); parentExpression?.Expressions.Add(orExpression); parentExpression = orExpression; if (rootExpression == null) { rootExpression = parentExpression; } } parentExpression.Expressions.Add(booleanExpression); } } throw new JsonException("Path ended with open query."); } private bool TryParseValue(out object? value) { char currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; if (currentChar == '\'') { value = ReadQuotedString(); return true; } else if (char.IsDigit(currentChar) || currentChar == '-') { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(currentChar); _currentIndex++; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == ')') { string numberText = sb.ToString(); if (numberText.IndexOfAny(FloatCharacters) != -1) { bool result = double.TryParse(numberText, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var d); value = d; return result; } else { bool result = long.TryParse(numberText, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var l); value = l; return result; } } else { sb.Append(currentChar); _currentIndex++; } } } else if (currentChar == 't') { if (Match("true")) { value = true; return true; } } else if (currentChar == 'f') { if (Match("false")) { value = false; return true; } } else if (currentChar == 'n') { if (Match("null")) { value = null; return true; } } else if (currentChar == '/') { value = ReadRegexString(); return true; } value = null; return false; } private string ReadQuotedString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); _currentIndex++; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { char currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; if (currentChar == '\\' && _currentIndex + 1 < _expression.Length) { _currentIndex++; currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; char resolvedChar; switch (currentChar) { case 'b': resolvedChar = '\b'; break; case 't': resolvedChar = '\t'; break; case 'n': resolvedChar = '\n'; break; case 'f': resolvedChar = '\f'; break; case 'r': resolvedChar = '\r'; break; case '\\': case '"': case '\'': case '/': resolvedChar = currentChar; break; default: throw new JsonException(@"Unknown escape character: \" + currentChar); } sb.Append(resolvedChar); _currentIndex++; } else if (currentChar == '\'') { _currentIndex++; return sb.ToString(); } else { _currentIndex++; sb.Append(currentChar); } } throw new JsonException("Path ended with an open string."); } private string ReadRegexString() { int startIndex = _currentIndex; _currentIndex++; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { char currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; // handle escaped / character if (currentChar == '\\' && _currentIndex + 1 < _expression.Length) { _currentIndex += 2; } else if (currentChar == '/') { _currentIndex++; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { currentChar = _expression[_currentIndex]; if (char.IsLetter(currentChar)) { _currentIndex++; } else { break; } } return _expression.Substring(startIndex, _currentIndex - startIndex); } else { _currentIndex++; } } throw new JsonException("Path ended with an open regex."); } private bool Match(string s) { int currentPosition = _currentIndex; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { if (currentPosition < _expression.Length && _expression[currentPosition] == s[i]) { currentPosition++; } else { return false; } } _currentIndex = currentPosition; return true; } private QueryOperator ParseOperator() { if (_currentIndex + 1 >= _expression.Length) { throw new JsonException("Path ended with open query."); } if (Match("===")) { return QueryOperator.StrictEquals; } if (Match("==")) { return QueryOperator.Equals; } if (Match("=~")) { return QueryOperator.RegexEquals; } if (Match("!==")) { return QueryOperator.StrictNotEquals; } if (Match("!=") || Match("<>")) { return QueryOperator.NotEquals; } if (Match("<=")) { return QueryOperator.LessThanOrEquals; } if (Match("<")) { return QueryOperator.LessThan; } if (Match(">=")) { return QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEquals; } if (Match(">")) { return QueryOperator.GreaterThan; } throw new JsonException("Could not read query operator."); } private PathFilter ParseQuotedField(char indexerCloseChar, bool scan) { List? fields = null; while (_currentIndex < _expression.Length) { string field = ReadQuotedString(); EatWhitespace(); EnsureLength("Path ended with open indexer."); if (_expression[_currentIndex] == indexerCloseChar) { if (fields != null) { fields.Add(field); return (scan) ? (PathFilter)new ScanMultipleFilter(fields) : (PathFilter)new FieldMultipleFilter(fields); } else { return CreatePathFilter(field, scan); } } else if (_expression[_currentIndex] == ',') { _currentIndex++; EatWhitespace(); if (fields == null) { fields = new List(); } fields.Add(field); } else { throw new JsonException("Unexpected character while parsing path indexer: " + _expression[_currentIndex]); } } throw new JsonException("Path ended with open indexer."); } private void EnsureLength(string message) { if (_currentIndex >= _expression.Length) { throw new JsonException(message); } } internal IEnumerable Evaluate(JToken root, JToken t, JsonSelectSettings? settings) { return Evaluate(Filters, root, t, settings); } internal static IEnumerable Evaluate(List filters, JToken root, JToken t, JsonSelectSettings? settings) { IEnumerable current = new[] { t }; foreach (PathFilter filter in filters) { current = filter.ExecuteFilter(root, current, settings); } return current; } } }