using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Google.Protobuf; using LeanCloud.Realtime.Protocol; using LeanCloud.Storage.Internal.Codec; using LeanCloud.Storage; namespace LeanCloud.Realtime { public class LCIMConversation { public string Id { get; set; } public string UniqueId { get; internal set; } public string Name { get { return this["name"] as string; } set { this["name"] = value; } } public string CreatorId { get; set; } public List MemberIdList { get; internal set; } public List MutedMemberIdList { get; internal set; } public DateTime CreatedAt { get; internal set; } public DateTime UpdatedAt { get; internal set; } public DateTime LastMessageAt { get; internal set; } public object this[string key] { get { return customProperties[key]; } set { customProperties[key] = value; } } public bool IsMute { get; private set; } protected readonly LCIMClient client; private Dictionary customProperties; internal LCIMConversation(LCIMClient client) { this.client = client; customProperties = new Dictionary(); } /// /// 获取对话人数,或暂态对话的在线人数 /// /// public async Task GetMembersCount() { ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id, }; GenericCommand command = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Count); command.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(command); return response.ConvMessage.Count; } public async Task Save() { ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id, }; // 注意序列化是否与存储一致 string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LCEncoder.Encode(customProperties)); conv.Attr = new JsonObjectMessage { Data = json }; GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Update); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); JsonObjectMessage attr = response.ConvMessage.AttrModified; // 更新自定义属性 if (attr != null) { Dictionary data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(attr.Data); Dictionary objectData = LCDecoder.Decode(data) as Dictionary; foreach (KeyValuePair kv in objectData) { customProperties[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } } return this; } /// /// 添加用户到对话 /// /// 用户 Id /// public async Task Add(IEnumerable clientIds) { if (clientIds == null || clientIds.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientIds)); } ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id, }; conv.M.AddRange(clientIds); // 签名参数 if (client.SignatureFactory != null) { LCIMSignature signature = client.SignatureFactory.CreateConversationSignature(Id, client.ClientId, clientIds, LCIMSignatureAction.Invite); conv.S = signature.Signature; conv.T = signature.Timestamp; conv.N = signature.Nonce; } GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Add); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); List allowedIds = response.ConvMessage.AllowedPids.ToList(); List errors = response.ConvMessage.FailedPids.ToList(); return NewPartiallySuccessResult(allowedIds, errors); } /// /// 删除用户 /// /// 用户 Id /// public async Task Remove(IEnumerable removeIds) { if (removeIds == null || removeIds.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(removeIds)); } ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id, }; conv.M.AddRange(removeIds); // 签名参数 if (client.SignatureFactory != null) { LCIMSignature signature = client.SignatureFactory.CreateConversationSignature(Id, client.ClientId, removeIds, LCIMSignatureAction.Kick); conv.S = signature.Signature; conv.T = signature.Timestamp; conv.N = signature.Nonce; } GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Remove); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); List allowedIds = response.ConvMessage.AllowedPids.ToList(); List errors = response.ConvMessage.FailedPids.ToList(); return NewPartiallySuccessResult(allowedIds, errors); } /// /// 加入对话 /// /// public async Task Join() { LCIMPartiallySuccessResult result = await Add(new string[] { client.ClientId }); if (!result.IsSuccess) { LCIMOperationFailure error = result.FailureList[0]; throw new LCException(error.Code, error.Reason); } return this; } /// /// 离开对话 /// /// public async Task Quit() { LCIMPartiallySuccessResult result = await Remove(new string[] { client.ClientId }); if (!result.IsSuccess) { LCIMOperationFailure error = result.FailureList[0]; throw new LCException(error.Code, error.Reason); } return this; } /// /// 发送消息 /// /// /// public async Task Send(LCIMMessage message) { DirectCommand direct = new DirectCommand { FromPeerId = client.ClientId, Cid = Id, }; if (message is LCIMTypedMessage typedMessage) { direct.Msg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(typedMessage.Encode()); } else if (message is LCIMBinaryMessage binaryMessage) { direct.BinaryMsg = ByteString.CopyFrom(binaryMessage.Data); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Message MUST BE LCIMTypedMessage or LCIMBinaryMessage."); } GenericCommand command = client.NewDirectCommand(); command.DirectMessage = direct; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(command); // 消息发送应答 AckCommand ack = response.AckMessage; message.Id = ack.Uid; message.DeliveredTimestamp = ack.T; return message; } /// /// 静音 /// /// public async Task Mute() { ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id }; GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Mute); request.ConvMessage = conv; await client.connection.SendRequest(request); IsMute = true; return this; } /// /// 取消静音 /// /// public async Task Unmute() { ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id }; GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Unmute); request.ConvMessage = conv; await client.connection.SendRequest(request); IsMute = false; return this; } /// /// 禁言 /// /// /// public async Task MuteMembers(IEnumerable clientIds) { if (clientIds == null || clientIds.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientIds)); } ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id }; conv.M.AddRange(clientIds); GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.AddShutup); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return NewPartiallySuccessResult(response.ConvMessage.AllowedPids, response.ConvMessage.FailedPids); } /// /// 取消禁言 /// /// /// public async Task UnmuteMembers(IEnumerable clientIds) { if (clientIds == null || clientIds.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientIds)); } ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id }; conv.M.AddRange(clientIds); GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.Remove); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return NewPartiallySuccessResult(response.ConvMessage.AllowedPids, response.ConvMessage.FailedPids); } /// /// 将用户加入黑名单 /// /// /// public async Task BlockMembers(IEnumerable clientIds) { if (clientIds == null || clientIds.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientIds)); } BlacklistCommand blacklist = new BlacklistCommand { SrcCid = Id, }; blacklist.ToPids.AddRange(clientIds); if (client.SignatureFactory != null) { LCIMSignature signature = client.SignatureFactory.CreateBlacklistSignature(Id, client.ClientId, clientIds, LCIMSignatureAction.ConversationBlockClients); blacklist.S = signature.Signature; blacklist.T = signature.Timestamp; blacklist.N = signature.Nonce; } GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Blacklist, OpType.Block); request.BlacklistMessage = blacklist; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return NewPartiallySuccessResult(response.BlacklistMessage.AllowedPids, response.BlacklistMessage.FailedPids); } public async Task UnblockMembers(IEnumerable clientIds) { if (clientIds == null || clientIds.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientIds)); } BlacklistCommand blacklist = new BlacklistCommand { SrcCid = Id, }; blacklist.ToPids.AddRange(clientIds); if (client.SignatureFactory != null) { LCIMSignature signature = client.SignatureFactory.CreateBlacklistSignature(Id, client.ClientId, clientIds, LCIMSignatureAction.ConversationUnblockClients); blacklist.S = signature.Signature; blacklist.T = signature.Timestamp; blacklist.N = signature.Nonce; } GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Blacklist, OpType.Unblock); request.BlacklistMessage = blacklist; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return NewPartiallySuccessResult(response.BlacklistMessage.AllowedPids, response.BlacklistMessage.FailedPids); } /// /// 撤回消息 /// /// /// public async Task Recall(LCIMMessage message) { if (message == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message)); } PatchCommand patch = new PatchCommand(); PatchItem item = new PatchItem { Cid = Id, Mid = message.Id, Recall = true }; patch.Patches.Add(item); GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Patch, OpType.Modify); request.PatchMessage = patch; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return null; } /// /// 修改消息 /// /// /// /// public async Task Update(LCIMMessage oldMessage, LCIMMessage newMessage) { if (oldMessage == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldMessage)); } if (newMessage == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newMessage)); } PatchCommand patch = new PatchCommand(); PatchItem item = new PatchItem { Cid = Id, Mid = oldMessage.Id, Timestamp = oldMessage.DeliveredTimestamp, Recall = false, }; if (newMessage is LCIMTypedMessage typedMessage) { item.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(typedMessage.Encode()); } else if (newMessage is LCIMBinaryMessage binaryMessage) { item.BinaryMsg = ByteString.CopyFrom(binaryMessage.Data); } if (newMessage.MentionList != null) { item.MentionPids.AddRange(newMessage.MentionList); } if (newMessage.MentionAll) { item.MentionAll = newMessage.MentionAll; } patch.Patches.Add(item); GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Patch, OpType.Modify); request.PatchMessage = patch; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return null; } public async Task UpdateMemberRole(string memberId, string role) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(memberId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memberId)); } if (role != LCIMConversationMemberInfo.Manager && role != LCIMConversationMemberInfo.Member) { throw new ArgumentException("role MUST be Manager Or Memebr"); } ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id, TargetClientId = memberId, Info = new ConvMemberInfo { Pid = memberId, Role = role } }; GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.MemberInfoUpdate); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); // TODO 同步 members return this; } public async Task GetMemberInfo(string memberId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(memberId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memberId)); } List members = await GetAllMemberInfo(); foreach (LCIMConversationMemberInfo member in members) { if (member.MemberId == memberId) { return member; } } return null; } public async Task> GetAllMemberInfo() { string path = "classes/_ConversationMemberInfo"; Dictionary headers = new Dictionary { { "X-LC-IM-Session-Token", client.SessionToken } }; Dictionary queryParams = new Dictionary { { "client_id", client.ClientId }, { "cid", Id } }; Dictionary response = await LCApplication.HttpClient.Get>(path, headers: headers, queryParams: queryParams); List results = response["results"] as List; List memberList = new List(); foreach (Dictionary item in results) { LCIMConversationMemberInfo member = new LCIMConversationMemberInfo { ConversationId = item["cid"] as string, MemberId = item["clientId"] as string, Role = item["role"] as string }; memberList.Add(member); } return memberList; } public async Task QueryMutedMembers(int limit = 50, string next = null) { ConvCommand conv = new ConvCommand { Cid = Id, Limit = limit, Next = next }; GenericCommand request = client.NewCommand(CommandType.Conv, OpType.QueryShutup); request.ConvMessage = conv; GenericCommand response = await client.connection.SendRequest(request); return new LCIMPageResult { Results = response.ConvMessage.M.ToList(), Next = response.ConvMessage.Next }; } private LCIMPartiallySuccessResult NewPartiallySuccessResult(IEnumerable succesfulIds, IEnumerable errors) { LCIMPartiallySuccessResult result = new LCIMPartiallySuccessResult { SuccessfulClientIdList = succesfulIds.ToList() }; if (errors != null) { result.FailureList = new List(); foreach (ErrorCommand error in errors) { result.FailureList.Add(new LCIMOperationFailure(error)); } } return result; } internal void MergeFrom(ConvCommand conv) { if (conv.HasCid) { Id = conv.Cid; } if (conv.HasInitBy) { CreatorId = conv.InitBy; } if (conv.HasCdate) { CreatedAt = DateTime.Parse(conv.Cdate); } if (conv.HasUdate) { UpdatedAt = DateTime.Parse(conv.Udate); } if (conv.M.Count > 0) { MemberIdList = conv.M.ToList(); } } internal void MergeFrom(Dictionary conv) { if (conv.TryGetValue("objectId", out object idObj)) { Id = idObj as string; } if (conv.TryGetValue("uniqueId", out object uniqueIdObj)) { UniqueId = uniqueIdObj as string; } if (conv.TryGetValue("createdAt", out object createdAtObj)) { CreatedAt = DateTime.Parse(createdAtObj.ToString()); } if (conv.TryGetValue("updatedAt", out object updatedAtObj)) { UpdatedAt = DateTime.Parse(updatedAtObj.ToString()); } if (conv.TryGetValue("c", out object co)) { CreatorId = co as string; } if (conv.TryGetValue("m", out object mo)) { MemberIdList = mo as List; } if (conv.TryGetValue("mu", out object muo)) { MutedMemberIdList = muo as List; } } } }