using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace LeanCloud.Storage.Internal
/// A simple recursive-descent JSON Parser based on the grammar defined at
/// and
public class Json
/// Place at the start of a regex to force the match to begin wherever the search starts (i.e.
/// anchored at the index of the first character of the search, even when that search starts
/// in the middle of the string).
private static readonly string startOfString = "\\G";
private static readonly char startObject = '{';
private static readonly char endObject = '}';
private static readonly char startArray = '[';
private static readonly char endArray = ']';
private static readonly char valueSeparator = ',';
private static readonly char nameSeparator = ':';
private static readonly char[] falseValue = "false".ToCharArray();
private static readonly char[] trueValue = "true".ToCharArray();
private static readonly char[] nullValue = "null".ToCharArray();
private static readonly Regex numberValue = new Regex(startOfString +
private static readonly Regex stringValue = new Regex(startOfString +
private static readonly Regex escapePattern = new Regex("\\\\|\"|[\u0000-\u001F]");
private class JsonStringParser
public string Input { get; private set; }
public char[] InputAsArray { get; private set; }
private int currentIndex;
public int CurrentIndex
return currentIndex;
public void Skip(int skip)
currentIndex += skip;
public JsonStringParser(string input)
Input = input;
InputAsArray = input.ToCharArray();
/// Parses JSON object syntax (e.g. '{}')
internal bool AVObject(out object output)
output = null;
int initialCurrentIndex = CurrentIndex;
if (!Accept(startObject))
return false;
var dict = new Dictionary();
while (true)
object pairValue;
if (!ParseMember(out pairValue))
var pair = pairValue as Tuple;
dict[pair.Item1] = pair.Item2;
if (!Accept(valueSeparator))
if (!Accept(endObject))
return false;
output = dict;
return true;
/// Parses JSON member syntax (e.g. '"keyname" : null')
private bool ParseMember(out object output)
output = null;
object key;
if (!ParseString(out key))
return false;
if (!Accept(nameSeparator))
return false;
object value;
if (!ParseValue(out value))
return false;
output = new Tuple((string)key, value);
return true;
/// Parses JSON array syntax (e.g. '[]')
internal bool ParseArray(out object output)
output = null;
if (!Accept(startArray))
return false;
var list = new List