using LeanCloud.Storage.Internal; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace LeanCloud.Realtime.Internal { internal class AVRouterController : IAVRouterController { const string routerUrl = "{0}"; const string routerKey = "LeanCloud_RouterState"; public Task GetAsync(string pushRouter = null, bool secure = true, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { //return Task.FromResult(new PushRouterState() //{ // server = "wss://" //}); return LoadAysnc(cancellationToken).OnSuccess(_ => { var cache = _.Result; var task = Task.FromResult(cache); if (cache == null || cache.expire < DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimeStamp()) { task = QueryAsync(pushRouter, secure, cancellationToken); } return task; }).Unwrap(); } /// /// 清理地址缓存 /// /// The cache. public Task ClearCache() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); AVPlugins.Instance.StorageController.LoadAsync().ContinueWith(t => { if (t.IsFaulted) { tcs.SetResult(true); } else { var storage = t.Result; if (storage.ContainsKey(routerKey)) { storage.RemoveAsync(routerKey).ContinueWith(_ => tcs.SetResult(true)); } else { tcs.SetResult(true); } } }); return tcs.Task; } Task LoadAysnc(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { return AVPlugins.Instance.StorageController.LoadAsync().OnSuccess(_ => { var currentCache = _.Result; object routeCacheStr = null; if (currentCache.TryGetValue(routerKey, out routeCacheStr)) { var routeCache = routeCacheStr as IDictionary; var routerState = new PushRouterState() { groupId = routeCache["groupId"] as string, server = routeCache["server"] as string, secondary = routeCache["secondary"] as string, ttl = long.Parse(routeCache["ttl"].ToString()), expire = long.Parse(routeCache["expire"].ToString()), source = "localCache" }; return routerState; } return null; }); } catch { return Task.FromResult(null); } } Task QueryAsync(string pushRouter, bool secure, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var routerHost = pushRouter; if (routerHost == null) { var appRouter = AVPlugins.Instance.AppRouterController.Get(); routerHost = string.Format("https://{0}/v1/route?appId={1}", appRouter.RealtimeRouterServer, AVClient.CurrentConfiguration.ApplicationId) ?? appRouter.RealtimeRouterServer ?? string.Format(routerUrl, AVClient.CurrentConfiguration.ApplicationId); } AVRealtime.PrintLog($"router: {routerHost}"); AVRealtime.PrintLog($"push: {pushRouter}"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pushRouter)) { var rtmUri = new Uri(pushRouter); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtmUri.Scheme)) { var url = new Uri(rtmUri, "v1/route").ToString(); routerHost = string.Format("{0}?appId={1}", url, AVClient.CurrentConfiguration.ApplicationId); } else { routerHost = string.Format("https://{0}/v1/route?appId={1}", pushRouter, AVClient.CurrentConfiguration.ApplicationId); } } if (secure) { routerHost += "&secure=1"; } AVRealtime.PrintLog("use push router url:" + routerHost); return AVClient.RequestAsync(uri: new Uri(routerHost), method: "GET", headers: null, data: null, contentType: "application/json", cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None).ContinueWith(t => { if (t.Exception != null) { var innnerException = t.Exception.InnerException; AVRealtime.PrintLog(innnerException.Message); throw innnerException; } var httpStatus = (int)t.Result.Item1; if (httpStatus != 200) { return null; } try { var result = t.Result.Item2; var routerState = Json.Parse(result) as IDictionary; if (routerState.Keys.Count == 0) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("Can not get websocket url from server,please check the appId."); } var ttl = long.Parse(routerState["ttl"].ToString()); var expire = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(ttl); routerState["expire"] = expire.ToUnixTimeStamp(); //save to local cache async. AVPlugins.Instance.StorageController.LoadAsync().OnSuccess(storage => storage.Result.AddAsync(routerKey, routerState)); var routerStateObj = new PushRouterState() { groupId = routerState["groupId"] as string, server = routerState["server"] as string, secondary = routerState["secondary"] as string, ttl = long.Parse(routerState["ttl"].ToString()), expire = expire.ToUnixTimeStamp(), source = "online" }; return routerStateObj; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is KeyNotFoundException) { throw e; } return null; } }); } } }