syntax = "proto2"; package push_server.messages2; option csharp_namespace = "LeanCloud.Realtime.Internal.Protocol"; // note that this line will be removed by out build script until we // finally upgraded to protobuffer 3 option objc_class_prefix = "AVIM"; enum CommandType { session = 0; conv = 1; direct = 2; ack = 3; rcp = 4; unread = 5; logs = 6; error = 7; login = 8; data = 9; room = 10; read = 11; presence = 12; report = 13; echo = 14; loggedin = 15; logout = 16; loggedout = 17; patch = 18; pubsub = 19; blacklist = 20; goaway = 21; } enum OpType { // session open = 1; add = 2; remove = 3; close = 4; opened = 5; closed = 6; query = 7; query_result = 8; conflict = 9; added = 10; removed = 11; refresh = 12; refreshed = 13; // conv start = 30; started = 31; joined = 32; members_joined = 33; // add = 34; reuse session.add // added = 35; reuse session.added // remove = 37; reuse session.remove // removed = 38; reuse session.removed left = 39; members_left = 40; // query = 41; reuse session.query results = 42; count = 43; result = 44; update = 45; updated = 46; mute = 47; unmute = 48; status = 49; members = 50; max_read = 51; is_member = 52; member_info_update = 53; member_info_updated = 54; member_info_changed = 55; // room join = 80; invite = 81; leave = 82; kick = 83; reject = 84; invited = 85; // joined = 32; reuse the value in conv section // left = 39; reuse the value in conv section kicked = 86; // members-joined = 33; reuse the value in conv section // members-left = 40; reuse the value in conv section // report upload = 100; uploaded = 101; // pubsub subscribe = 120; subscribed = 121; unsubscribe = 122; unsubscribed = 123; is_subscribed = 124; // patch modify = 150; modified = 151; // blacklist, query, query_result defined with 7, 8 block = 170; unblock = 171; blocked = 172; unblocked = 173; members_blocked = 174; members_unblocked = 175; check_block = 176; check_result = 177; add_shutup = 180; remove_shutup = 181; query_shutup = 182; shutup_added = 183; shutup_removed = 184; shutup_result = 185; shutuped = 186; unshutuped = 187; members_shutuped = 188; members_unshutuped = 189; check_shutup = 190; // check_result define in 177 } enum StatusType { on = 1; off = 2; } enum DeviceType { unknown = 0; android = 1; ios = 2; } message SemanticVersion { optional int32 major = 1; optional int32 minor = 2; optional int32 patch = 3; optional string preRelease = 4; optional string build = 5; } message AndroidVersion { optional string codename = 1; optional string apiLevel = 2; } message SystemInfo { optional DeviceType deviceType = 1; optional SemanticVersion osVersion = 2; optional AndroidVersion androidVersion = 3; optional bool isEmulator = 4; } message JsonObjectMessage { required string data = 1; } message UnreadTuple { required string cid = 1; required int32 unread = 2; optional string mid = 3; optional int64 timestamp = 4; optional string from = 5; optional string data = 6; optional int64 patchTimestamp = 7; optional bool mentioned = 8; optional bytes binaryMsg = 9; optional int32 convType = 10; } message LogItem { optional string from = 1; optional string data = 2; optional int64 timestamp = 3; optional string msgId = 4; optional int64 ackAt = 5; optional int64 readAt = 6; optional int64 patchTimestamp = 7; optional bool mentionAll = 8; repeated string mentionPids = 9; optional bool bin = 10; optional int32 convType = 11; } message ConvMemberInfo { optional string pid = 1; optional string role = 2; optional string infoId = 3; } message LoginCommand { optional SystemInfo systemInfo = 1; } message LoggedinCommand { optional bool pushDisabled = 1; } message DataCommand { repeated string ids = 1; repeated JsonObjectMessage msg = 2; optional bool offline = 3; } message SessionCommand { optional int64 t = 1; optional string n = 2; optional string s = 3; optional string ua = 4; optional bool r = 5; optional string tag = 6; optional string deviceId = 7; repeated string sessionPeerIds = 8; repeated string onlineSessionPeerIds = 9; optional string st = 10; optional int32 stTtl = 11; optional int32 code = 12; optional string reason = 13; optional string deviceToken = 14; optional bool sp = 15; optional string detail = 16; optional int64 lastUnreadNotifTime = 17; optional int64 lastPatchTime = 18; optional int64 configBitmap = 19; optional SystemInfo systemInfo = 20; } message ErrorCommand { required int32 code = 1; required string reason = 2; optional int32 appCode = 3; optional string detail = 4; repeated string pids = 5; optional string appMsg = 6; } message DirectCommand { optional string msg = 1; optional string uid = 2; optional string fromPeerId = 3; optional int64 timestamp = 4; optional bool offline = 5; optional bool hasMore = 6; repeated string toPeerIds = 7; optional bool r = 10; optional string cid = 11; optional string id = 12; optional bool transient = 13; optional string dt = 14; optional string roomId = 15; optional string pushData = 16; optional bool will = 17; optional int64 patchTimestamp = 18; optional bytes binaryMsg = 19; repeated string mentionPids = 20; optional bool mentionAll = 21; optional int32 convType = 22; } message AckCommand { optional int32 code = 1; optional string reason = 2; optional string mid = 3; optional string cid = 4; optional int64 t = 5; optional string uid = 6; optional int64 fromts = 7; optional int64 tots = 8; optional string type = 9; repeated string ids = 10; optional int32 appCode = 11; optional string appMsg = 12; } message UnreadCommand { repeated UnreadTuple convs = 1; optional int64 notifTime = 2; } message ConvCommand { repeated string m = 1; optional bool transient = 2; optional bool unique = 3; optional string cid = 4; optional string cdate = 5; optional string initBy = 6; optional string sort = 7; optional int32 limit = 8; optional int32 skip = 9; optional int32 flag = 10; optional int32 count = 11; optional string udate = 12; optional int64 t = 13; optional string n = 14; optional string s = 15; optional bool statusSub = 16; optional bool statusPub = 17; optional int32 statusTTL = 18; optional string uniqueId = 19; optional string targetClientId = 20; optional int64 maxReadTimestamp = 21; optional int64 maxAckTimestamp = 22; optional bool queryAllMembers = 23; repeated MaxReadTuple maxReadTuples = 24; repeated string cids = 25; optional ConvMemberInfo info = 26; optional bool tempConv = 27; optional int32 tempConvTTL = 28; repeated string tempConvIds = 29; repeated string allowedPids = 30; repeated ErrorCommand failedPids = 31; // used in shutup query optional string next = 40; optional JsonObjectMessage results = 100; optional JsonObjectMessage where = 101; optional JsonObjectMessage attr = 103; optional JsonObjectMessage attrModified = 104; } message RoomCommand { optional string roomId = 1; optional string s = 2; optional int64 t = 3; optional string n = 4; optional bool transient = 5; repeated string roomPeerIds = 6; optional string byPeerId = 7; } message LogsCommand { optional string cid = 1; optional int32 l = 2; optional int32 limit = 3; optional int64 t = 4; optional int64 tt = 5; optional string tmid = 6; optional string mid = 7; optional string checksum = 8; optional bool stored = 9; enum QueryDirection { OLD = 1; NEW = 2; } optional QueryDirection direction = 10 [default = OLD]; optional bool tIncluded = 11; optional bool ttIncluded = 12; optional int32 lctype = 13; repeated LogItem logs = 105; } message RcpCommand { optional string id = 1; optional string cid = 2; optional int64 t = 3; optional bool read = 4; optional string from = 5; } message ReadTuple { required string cid = 1; optional int64 timestamp = 2; optional string mid = 3; } message MaxReadTuple { optional string pid = 1; optional int64 maxAckTimestamp = 2; optional int64 maxReadTimestamp = 3; } message ReadCommand { optional string cid = 1; repeated string cids = 2; repeated ReadTuple convs = 3; } message PresenceCommand { optional StatusType status = 1; repeated string sessionPeerIds = 2; optional string cid = 3; } message ReportCommand { optional bool initiative = 1; optional string type = 2; optional string data = 3; } message PatchItem { optional string cid = 1; optional string mid = 2; optional int64 timestamp = 3; optional bool recall = 4; optional string data = 5; optional int64 patchTimestamp = 6; optional string from = 7; optional bytes binaryMsg = 8; optional bool mentionAll = 9; repeated string mentionPids = 10; optional int64 patchCode = 11; optional string patchReason = 12; } message PatchCommand { repeated PatchItem patches = 1; optional int64 lastPatchTime = 2; } message PubsubCommand { optional string cid = 1; repeated string cids = 2; optional string topic = 3; optional string subtopic = 4; repeated string topics = 5; repeated string subtopics = 6; optional JsonObjectMessage results = 7; } message BlacklistCommand { optional string srcCid = 1; repeated string toPids = 2; optional string srcPid = 3; repeated string toCids = 4; optional int32 limit = 5; optional string next = 6; repeated string blockedPids = 8; repeated string blockedCids = 9; repeated string allowedPids = 10; repeated ErrorCommand failedPids = 11; optional int64 t = 12; optional string n = 13; optional string s = 14; } message GenericCommand { optional CommandType cmd = 1; optional OpType op = 2; optional string appId = 3; optional string peerId = 4; optional int32 i = 5; optional string installationId = 6; optional int32 priority = 7; optional int32 service = 8; optional int64 serverTs = 9; optional int64 clientTs = 10; optional int32 notificationType = 11; optional LoginCommand loginMessage = 100; optional DataCommand dataMessage = 101; optional SessionCommand sessionMessage = 102; optional ErrorCommand errorMessage = 103; optional DirectCommand directMessage = 104; optional AckCommand ackMessage = 105; optional UnreadCommand unreadMessage = 106; optional ReadCommand readMessage = 107; optional RcpCommand rcpMessage = 108; optional LogsCommand logsMessage = 109; optional ConvCommand convMessage = 110; optional RoomCommand roomMessage = 111; optional PresenceCommand presenceMessage = 112; optional ReportCommand reportMessage = 113; optional PatchCommand patchMessage = 114; optional PubsubCommand pubsubMessage = 115; optional BlacklistCommand blacklistMessage = 116; optional LoggedinCommand loggedinMessage = 117; }