using dnlib.DotNet; using HybridCLR.Editor.Meta; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; namespace HybridCLR.Editor.MethodBridge { public abstract class PlatformAdaptorBase { private static readonly ValueTypeSizeAligmentCalculator s_calculator64 = new ValueTypeSizeAligmentCalculator(false); private static readonly ValueTypeSizeAligmentCalculator s_calculator32 = new ValueTypeSizeAligmentCalculator(true); public abstract bool IsArch32 { get; } public virtual bool IsSupportHFA => false; public TypeInfo GetNativeIntTypeInfo() => IsArch32 ? TypeInfo.s_i4 : TypeInfo.s_i8; public abstract void GenerateManaged2NativeMethod(MethodBridgeSig method, List lines); public abstract void GenerateNative2ManagedMethod(MethodBridgeSig method, List lines); public abstract void GenerateAdjustThunkMethod(MethodBridgeSig method, List outputLines); protected abstract TypeInfo OptimizeSigType(TypeInfo type, bool returnType); public virtual void OptimizeMethod(MethodBridgeSig method) { method.TransfromSigTypes(OptimizeSigType); } private readonly Dictionary _typeSizeCache64 = new Dictionary(TypeEqualityComparer.Instance); private readonly Dictionary _typeSizeCache32 = new Dictionary(TypeEqualityComparer.Instance); public (int Size, int Aligment) ComputeSizeAndAligmentOfArch64(TypeSig t) { if (_typeSizeCache64.TryGetValue(t, out var sizeAndAligment)) { return sizeAndAligment; } sizeAndAligment = s_calculator64.SizeAndAligmentOf(t); _typeSizeCache64.Add(t, sizeAndAligment); return sizeAndAligment; } protected (int Size, int Aligment) ComputeSizeAndAligmentOfArch32(TypeSig t) { if (_typeSizeCache32.TryGetValue(t, out var sa)) { return sa; } // all this just to invoke one opcode with no arguments! sa = s_calculator32.SizeAndAligmentOf(t); _typeSizeCache32.Add(t, sa); return sa; } public TypeInfo CreateTypeInfo(TypeSig type) { type = type.RemovePinnedAndModifiers(); if (type.IsByRef) { return GetNativeIntTypeInfo(); } switch(type.ElementType) { case ElementType.Void: return TypeInfo.s_void; case ElementType.Boolean: return TypeInfo.s_u1; case ElementType.I1: return TypeInfo.s_i1; case ElementType.U1: return TypeInfo.s_u1; case ElementType.I2: return TypeInfo.s_i2; case ElementType.Char: case ElementType.U2: return TypeInfo.s_u2; case ElementType.I4: return TypeInfo.s_i4; case ElementType.U4: return TypeInfo.s_u4; case ElementType.I8: return TypeInfo.s_i8; case ElementType.U8: return TypeInfo.s_u8; case ElementType.R4: return TypeInfo.s_r4; case ElementType.R8: return TypeInfo.s_r8; case ElementType.U: return IsArch32 ? TypeInfo.s_u4 : TypeInfo.s_u8; case ElementType.I: case ElementType.String: case ElementType.Ptr: case ElementType.ByRef: case ElementType.Class: case ElementType.Array: case ElementType.SZArray: case ElementType.FnPtr: case ElementType.Object: case ElementType.Module: case ElementType.Var: case ElementType.MVar: return GetNativeIntTypeInfo(); case ElementType.TypedByRef: return CreateValueType(type); case ElementType.ValueType: { TypeDef typeDef = type.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDef(); if (typeDef.IsEnum) { return CreateTypeInfo(typeDef.GetEnumUnderlyingType()); } return CreateValueType(type); } case ElementType.GenericInst: { GenericInstSig gis = (GenericInstSig)type; if (!gis.GenericType.IsValueType) { return GetNativeIntTypeInfo(); } TypeDef typeDef = gis.GenericType.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDef(); if (typeDef.IsEnum) { return CreateTypeInfo(typeDef.GetEnumUnderlyingType()); } return CreateValueType(type); } default: throw new NotSupportedException($"{type.ElementType}"); } } private static bool IsNotHFAFastCheck(int typeSize) { return typeSize != 8 && typeSize != 12 && typeSize != 16 && typeSize != 24 && typeSize != 32; } private static bool ComputHFATypeInfo0(TypeSig type, HFATypeInfo typeInfo) { TypeDef typeDef = type.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDefThrow(); List klassInst = type.ToGenericInstSig()?.GenericArguments?.ToList(); GenericArgumentContext ctx = klassInst != null ? new GenericArgumentContext(klassInst, null) : null; var fields = typeDef.Fields;// typeDef.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (FieldDef field in fields) { if (field.IsStatic) { continue; } TypeSig ftype = ctx != null ? MetaUtil.Inflate(field.FieldType, ctx) : field.FieldType; switch(ftype.ElementType) { case ElementType.R4: case ElementType.R8: { if (ftype == typeInfo.Type || typeInfo.Type == null) { typeInfo.Type = ftype; ++typeInfo.Count; } else { return false; } break; } case ElementType.ValueType: { if (!ComputHFATypeInfo0(ftype, typeInfo)) { return false; } break; } case ElementType.GenericInst: { if (!ftype.IsValueType || !ComputHFATypeInfo0(ftype, typeInfo)) { return false; } break; } default: return false; } } return typeInfo.Count <= 4; } private static bool ComputHFATypeInfo(TypeSig type, int typeSize, out HFATypeInfo typeInfo) { typeInfo = new HFATypeInfo(); if (IsNotHFAFastCheck(typeSize)) { return false; } bool ok = ComputHFATypeInfo0(type, typeInfo); if (ok && typeInfo.Count >= 2 && typeInfo.Count <= 4) { int fieldSize = typeInfo.Type.ElementType == ElementType.R4 ? 4 : 8; return typeSize == fieldSize * typeInfo.Count; } return false; } protected static TypeInfo CreateGeneralValueType(TypeSig type, int size, int aligment) { Debug.Assert(size % aligment == 0); switch (aligment) { case 1: return new TypeInfo(ParamOrReturnType.STRUCTURE_ALIGN1, size); case 2: return new TypeInfo(ParamOrReturnType.STRUCTURE_ALIGN2, size); case 4: return new TypeInfo(ParamOrReturnType.STRUCTURE_ALIGN4, size); case 8: return new TypeInfo(ParamOrReturnType.STRUCTURE_ALIGN8, size); default: throw new NotSupportedException($"type:{type} not support aligment:{aligment}"); } } protected TypeInfo CreateValueType(TypeSig type) { (int typeSize, int typeAligment) = IsArch32 ? ComputeSizeAndAligmentOfArch32(type) : ComputeSizeAndAligmentOfArch64(type); if (IsSupportHFA && ComputHFATypeInfo(type, typeSize, out HFATypeInfo hfaTypeInfo)) { bool isFloat = hfaTypeInfo.Type.ElementType == ElementType.R4; switch (hfaTypeInfo.Count) { case 2: return isFloat ? TypeInfo.s_vf2 : TypeInfo.s_vd2; case 3: return isFloat ? TypeInfo.s_vf3 : TypeInfo.s_vd3; case 4: return isFloat ? TypeInfo.s_vf4 : TypeInfo.s_vd4; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } } else { // 64位下结构体内存对齐规则是一样的 return CreateGeneralValueType(type, typeSize, typeAligment); } } public void GenerateManaged2NativeStub(List methods, List lines) { lines.Add($@" Managed2NativeMethodInfo hybridclr::interpreter::g_managed2nativeStub[] = {{ "); foreach (var method in methods) { lines.Add($"\t{{\"{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}\", __M2N_{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}}},"); } lines.Add($"\t{{nullptr, nullptr}},"); lines.Add("};"); } public void GenerateNative2ManagedStub(List methods, List lines) { lines.Add($@" Native2ManagedMethodInfo hybridclr::interpreter::g_native2managedStub[] = {{ "); foreach (var method in methods) { lines.Add($"\t{{\"{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}\", (Il2CppMethodPointer)__N2M_{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}}},"); } lines.Add($"\t{{nullptr, nullptr}},"); lines.Add("};"); } public void GenerateAdjustThunkStub(List methods, List lines) { lines.Add($@" NativeAdjustThunkMethodInfo hybridclr::interpreter::g_adjustThunkStub[] = {{ "); foreach (var method in methods) { lines.Add($"\t{{\"{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}\", (Il2CppMethodPointer)__N2M_AdjustorThunk_{method.CreateCallSigName()}}},"); } lines.Add($"\t{{nullptr, nullptr}},"); lines.Add("};"); } } }