using dnlib.DotNet; using HybridCLR.Editor.ABI; using HybridCLR.Editor.Meta; using HybridCLR.Editor.Template; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using TypeInfo = HybridCLR.Editor.ABI.TypeInfo; namespace HybridCLR.Editor.MethodBridge { public class Generator { public class Options { public string TemplateCode { get; set; } public string OutputFile { get; set; } public IReadOnlyCollection GenericMethods { get; set; } } private readonly List _genericMethods; private readonly string _templateCode; private readonly string _outputFile; private readonly TypeCreator _typeCreator; private readonly HashSet _managed2nativeMethodSet = new HashSet(); private readonly HashSet _native2managedMethodSet = new HashSet(); private readonly HashSet _adjustThunkMethodSet = new HashSet(); public Generator(Options options) { List<(GenericMethod, string)> genericMethodInfo = options.GenericMethods.Select(m => (m, m.ToString())).ToList(); genericMethodInfo.Sort((a, b) => string.CompareOrdinal(a.Item2, b.Item2)); _genericMethods = genericMethodInfo.Select(m => m.Item1).ToList(); _templateCode = options.TemplateCode; _outputFile = options.OutputFile; _typeCreator = new TypeCreator(); } private readonly Dictionary _sig2Types = new Dictionary(); private TypeInfo GetSharedTypeInfo(TypeSig type) { var typeInfo = _typeCreator.CreateTypeInfo(type); if (!typeInfo.IsStruct) { return typeInfo; } string sigName = ToFullName(typeInfo.Klass); if (!_sig2Types.TryGetValue(sigName, out var sharedTypeInfo)) { sharedTypeInfo = typeInfo; _sig2Types.Add(sigName, sharedTypeInfo); } return sharedTypeInfo; } private MethodDesc CreateMethodDesc(MethodDef methodDef, bool forceRemoveThis, TypeSig returnType, List parameters) { var paramInfos = new List(); if (forceRemoveThis && !methodDef.IsStatic) { parameters.RemoveAt(0); } if (returnType.ContainsGenericParameter) { throw new Exception($"[PreservedMethod] method:{methodDef} has generic parameters"); } foreach (var paramInfo in parameters) { if (paramInfo.ContainsGenericParameter) { throw new Exception($"[PreservedMethod] method:{methodDef} has generic parameters"); } paramInfos.Add(new ParamInfo() { Type = GetSharedTypeInfo(paramInfo) }); } var mbs = new MethodDesc() { MethodDef = methodDef, ReturnInfo = new ReturnInfo() { Type = returnType != null ? GetSharedTypeInfo(returnType) : TypeInfo.s_void }, ParamInfos = paramInfos, }; return mbs; } private void AddManaged2NativeMethod(MethodDesc method) { method.Init(); _managed2nativeMethodSet.Add(method); } private void AddNative2ManagedMethod(MethodDesc method) { method.Init(); _native2managedMethodSet.Add(method); } private void AddAdjustThunkMethod(MethodDesc method) { method.Init(); _adjustThunkMethodSet.Add(method); } private void ProcessMethod(MethodDef method, List klassInst, List methodInst) { if (method.IsPrivate || (method.IsAssembly && !method.IsPublic && !method.IsFamily)) { if (klassInst == null && methodInst == null) { return; } else { //Debug.Log($"[PreservedMethod] method:{method}"); } } ICorLibTypes corLibTypes = method.Module.CorLibTypes; TypeSig returnType; List parameters; if (klassInst == null && methodInst == null) { if (method.HasGenericParameters) { throw new Exception($"[PreservedMethod] method:{method} has generic parameters"); } returnType = MetaUtil.ToShareTypeSig(corLibTypes, method.ReturnType); parameters = method.Parameters.Select(p => MetaUtil.ToShareTypeSig(corLibTypes, p.Type)).ToList(); } else { var gc = new GenericArgumentContext(klassInst, methodInst); returnType = MetaUtil.ToShareTypeSig(corLibTypes, MetaUtil.Inflate(method.ReturnType, gc)); parameters = method.Parameters.Select(p => MetaUtil.ToShareTypeSig(corLibTypes, MetaUtil.Inflate(p.Type, gc))).ToList(); } var m2nMethod = CreateMethodDesc(method, false, returnType, parameters); AddManaged2NativeMethod(m2nMethod); if (method.IsVirtual) { if (method.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { AddAdjustThunkMethod(m2nMethod); } //var adjustThunkMethod = CreateMethodDesc(method, true, returnType, parameters); AddNative2ManagedMethod(m2nMethod); } if (method.Name == "Invoke" && method.DeclaringType.IsDelegate) { var openMethod = CreateMethodDesc(method, true, returnType, parameters); AddNative2ManagedMethod(openMethod); } } public void PrepareMethods() { foreach(var method in _genericMethods) { ProcessMethod(method.Method, method.KlassInst, method.MethodInst); } } static void CheckUnique(IEnumerable names) { var set = new HashSet(); foreach (var name in names) { if (!set.Add(name)) { throw new Exception($"[CheckUnique] duplicate name:{name}"); } } } private List _managed2NativeMethodList0; private List _native2ManagedMethodList0; private List _adjustThunkMethodList0; private List _structTypes0; private void CollectTypesAndMethods() { _managed2NativeMethodList0 = _managed2nativeMethodSet.ToList(); _managed2NativeMethodList0.Sort((a, b) => string.CompareOrdinal(a.Sig, b.Sig)); _native2ManagedMethodList0 = _native2managedMethodSet.ToList(); _native2ManagedMethodList0.Sort((a, b) => string.CompareOrdinal(a.Sig, b.Sig)); _adjustThunkMethodList0 = _adjustThunkMethodSet.ToList(); _adjustThunkMethodList0.Sort((a, b) => string.CompareOrdinal(a.Sig, b.Sig)); var structTypeSet = new HashSet(); CollectStructDefs(_managed2NativeMethodList0, structTypeSet); CollectStructDefs(_native2ManagedMethodList0, structTypeSet); CollectStructDefs(_adjustThunkMethodList0, structTypeSet); _structTypes0 = structTypeSet.ToList(); _structTypes0.Sort((a, b) => a.TypeId - b.TypeId); CheckUnique(_structTypes0.Select(t => ToFullName(t.Klass))); CheckUnique(_structTypes0.Select(t => t.CreateSigName())); Debug.LogFormat("== before optimization struct:{3} managed2native:{0} native2managed:{1} adjustThunk:{2}", _managed2NativeMethodList0.Count, _native2ManagedMethodList0.Count, _adjustThunkMethodList0.Count, _structTypes0.Count); } private class AnalyzeTypeInfo { public TypeInfo toSharedType; public List fields; public string signature; } private readonly Dictionary _analyzeTypeInfos = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary _signature2Type = new Dictionary(); private AnalyzeTypeInfo CalculateAnalyzeTypeInfoBasic(TypeInfo typeInfo) { TypeSig type = typeInfo.Klass; TypeDef typeDef = type.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDefThrow(); List klassInst = type.ToGenericInstSig()?.GenericArguments?.ToList(); GenericArgumentContext ctx = klassInst != null ? new GenericArgumentContext(klassInst, null) : null; ClassLayout sa = typeDef.ClassLayout; var analyzeTypeInfo = new AnalyzeTypeInfo(); // don't share type with explicit layout if (sa != null) { analyzeTypeInfo.toSharedType = typeInfo; analyzeTypeInfo.signature = typeInfo.CreateSigName(); _signature2Type.Add(analyzeTypeInfo.signature, typeInfo); return analyzeTypeInfo; } var fields = analyzeTypeInfo.fields = new List(); foreach (FieldDef field in typeDef.Fields) { if (field.IsStatic) { continue; } TypeSig fieldType = ctx != null ? MetaUtil.Inflate(field.FieldType, ctx) : field.FieldType; fields.Add(GetSharedTypeInfo(fieldType)); } return analyzeTypeInfo; } private string GetOrCalculateTypeInfoSignature(TypeInfo typeInfo) { if (!typeInfo.IsStruct) { return typeInfo.CreateSigName(); } var ati = _analyzeTypeInfos[typeInfo]; //if (_analyzeTypeInfos.TryGetValue(typeInfo, out var ati)) //{ // return ati.signature; //} //ati = CalculateAnalyzeTypeInfoBasic(typeInfo); //_analyzeTypeInfos.Add(typeInfo, ati); if (ati.signature != null) { return ati.signature; } var sigBuf = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var field in ati.fields) { sigBuf.Append("{" + GetOrCalculateTypeInfoSignature(ToIsomorphicType(field)) + "}"); } return ati.signature = sigBuf.ToString(); } private TypeInfo ToIsomorphicType(TypeInfo type) { if (!type.IsStruct) { return type; } if (!_analyzeTypeInfos.TryGetValue(type, out var ati)) { ati = CalculateAnalyzeTypeInfoBasic(type); _analyzeTypeInfos.Add(type, ati); } if (ati.toSharedType == null) { string signature = GetOrCalculateTypeInfoSignature(type); Debug.Assert(signature == ati.signature); if (_signature2Type.TryGetValue(signature, out var sharedType)) { // Debug.Log($"[ToIsomorphicType] type:{type.Klass} ==> sharedType:{sharedType.Klass} signature:{signature} "); ati.toSharedType = sharedType; } else { ati.toSharedType = type; _signature2Type.Add(signature, type); } } return ati.toSharedType; } private MethodDesc ToIsomorphicMethod(MethodDesc method) { var paramInfos = new List(); foreach (var paramInfo in method.ParamInfos) { paramInfos.Add(new ParamInfo() { Type = ToIsomorphicType(paramInfo.Type) }); } var mbs = new MethodDesc() { MethodDef = method.MethodDef, ReturnInfo = new ReturnInfo() { Type = ToIsomorphicType(method.ReturnInfo.Type) }, ParamInfos = paramInfos, }; mbs.Init(); return mbs; } private List _managed2NativeMethodList; private List _native2ManagedMethodList; private List _adjustThunkMethodList; private List structTypes; private void BuildAnalyzeTypeInfos() { foreach (var type in _structTypes0) { ToIsomorphicType(type); } structTypes = _signature2Type.Values.ToList(); structTypes.Sort((a, b) => a.TypeId - b.TypeId); } private List ToUniqueOrderedList(List methods) { var methodMap = new SortedDictionary(); foreach (var method in methods) { var sharedMethod = ToIsomorphicMethod(method); var sig = sharedMethod.Sig; if (!methodMap.TryGetValue(sig, out var _)) { methodMap.Add(sig, sharedMethod); } } return methodMap.Values.ToList(); } private void BuildOptimizedMethods() { _managed2NativeMethodList = ToUniqueOrderedList(_managed2NativeMethodList0); _native2ManagedMethodList = ToUniqueOrderedList(_native2ManagedMethodList0); _adjustThunkMethodList = ToUniqueOrderedList(_adjustThunkMethodList0); } private void OptimizationTypesAndMethods() { BuildAnalyzeTypeInfos(); BuildOptimizedMethods(); Debug.LogFormat("== after optimization struct:{3} managed2native:{0} native2managed:{1} adjustThunk:{2}", _managed2NativeMethodList.Count, _native2ManagedMethodList.Count, _adjustThunkMethodList.Count, structTypes.Count); } private void GenerateCode() { var frr = new FileRegionReplace(_templateCode); List lines = new List(20_0000); var classInfos = new List(); var classTypeSet = new HashSet(); foreach (var type in structTypes) { GenerateClassInfo(type, classTypeSet, classInfos); } GenerateStructDefines(classInfos, lines); // use structTypes0 to generate signature GenerateStructureSignatureStub(_structTypes0, lines); foreach (var method in _managed2NativeMethodList) { GenerateManaged2NativeMethod(method, lines); } GenerateManaged2NativeStub(_managed2NativeMethodList, lines); foreach (var method in _native2ManagedMethodList) { GenerateNative2ManagedMethod(method, lines); } GenerateNative2ManagedStub(_native2ManagedMethodList, lines); foreach (var method in _adjustThunkMethodList) { GenerateAdjustThunkMethod(method, lines); } GenerateAdjustThunkStub(_adjustThunkMethodList, lines); frr.Replace("CODE", string.Join("\n", lines)); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(_outputFile)); frr.Commit(_outputFile); } public void Generate() { CollectTypesAndMethods(); OptimizationTypesAndMethods(); GenerateCode(); } private void CollectStructDefs(List methods, HashSet structTypes) { foreach (var method in methods) { foreach(var paramInfo in method.ParamInfos) { if (paramInfo.Type.IsStruct) { structTypes.Add(paramInfo.Type); if (paramInfo.Type.Klass.ContainsGenericParameter) { throw new Exception($"[CollectStructDefs] method:{method.MethodDef} type:{paramInfo.Type.Klass} contains generic parameter"); } } } if (method.ReturnInfo.Type.IsStruct) { structTypes.Add(method.ReturnInfo.Type); if (method.ReturnInfo.Type.Klass.ContainsGenericParameter) { throw new Exception($"[CollectStructDefs] method:{method.MethodDef} type:{method.ReturnInfo.Type.Klass} contains generic parameter"); } } } } class FieldInfo { public FieldDef field; public TypeInfo type; } class ClassInfo { public TypeInfo type; public TypeDef typeDef; public List fields = new List(); public ClassLayout layout; } private void GenerateClassInfo(TypeInfo type, HashSet typeSet, List classInfos) { if (!typeSet.Add(type)) { return; } TypeSig typeSig = type.Klass; var fields = new List(); TypeDef typeDef = typeSig.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDefThrow(); List klassInst = typeSig.ToGenericInstSig()?.GenericArguments?.ToList(); GenericArgumentContext ctx = klassInst != null ? new GenericArgumentContext(klassInst, null) : null; ClassLayout sa = typeDef.ClassLayout; ICorLibTypes corLibTypes = typeDef.Module.CorLibTypes; foreach (FieldDef field in typeDef.Fields) { if (field.IsStatic) { continue; } TypeSig fieldType = ctx != null ? MetaUtil.Inflate(field.FieldType, ctx) : field.FieldType; fieldType = MetaUtil.ToShareTypeSig(corLibTypes, fieldType); var fieldTypeInfo = ToIsomorphicType(_typeCreator.CreateTypeInfo(fieldType)); if (fieldTypeInfo.IsStruct) { GenerateClassInfo(fieldTypeInfo, typeSet, classInfos); } fields.Add(new FieldInfo { field = field, type = fieldTypeInfo }); } classInfos.Add(new ClassInfo() { type = type, typeDef = typeDef, fields = fields, layout = sa }); } private void GenerateStructDefines(List classInfos, List lines) { foreach (var ci in classInfos) { lines.Add($"// {ci.type.Klass}"); uint packingSize = ci.layout?.PackingSize ?? 0; if (packingSize != 0) { lines.Add($"#pragma pack(push, {packingSize})"); } uint classSize = ci.layout?.ClassSize ?? 0; if (ci.typeDef.IsExplicitLayout) { lines.Add($"union {ci.type.GetTypeName()} {{"); if (classSize > 0) { lines.Add($"\tstruct {{ char __fieldSize_offsetPadding[{classSize}];}};"); } int index = 0; foreach (var field in ci.fields) { uint offset = field.field.FieldOffset.Value; string fieldName = $"__{index}"; string commentFieldName = $"{field.field.Name}"; lines.Add("\t#pragma pack(push, 1)"); lines.Add($"\tstruct {{ {(offset > 0 ? $"char {fieldName}_offsetPadding[{offset}];" : "")} {field.type.GetTypeName()} {fieldName};}}; // {commentFieldName}"); lines.Add($"\t#pragma pack(pop)"); lines.Add($"\tstruct {{ {field.type.GetTypeName()} {fieldName}_forAlignmentOnly;}}; // {commentFieldName}"); ++index; } } else { lines.Add($"{(classSize > 0 ? "union" : "struct")} {ci.type.GetTypeName()} {{"); if (classSize > 0) { lines.Add($"\tstruct {{ char __fieldSize_offsetPadding[{classSize}];}};"); lines.Add("\tstruct {"); } int index = 0; foreach (var field in ci.fields) { string fieldName = $"__{index}"; string commentFieldName = $"{field.field.Name}"; lines.Add($"\t{field.type.GetTypeName()} {fieldName}; // {commentFieldName}"); ++index; } if (classSize > 0) { lines.Add("\t};"); } } lines.Add("};"); if (packingSize != 0) { lines.Add($"#pragma pack(pop)"); } } } public const string SigOfObj = "u"; public static string ToFullName(TypeSig type) { type = type.RemovePinnedAndModifiers(); switch (type.ElementType) { case ElementType.Void: return "v"; case ElementType.Boolean: return "u1"; case ElementType.I1: return "i1"; case ElementType.U1: return "u1"; case ElementType.I2: return "i2"; case ElementType.Char: case ElementType.U2: return "u2"; case ElementType.I4: return "i4"; case ElementType.U4: return "u4"; case ElementType.I8: return "i8"; case ElementType.U8: return "u8"; case ElementType.R4: return "r4"; case ElementType.R8: return "r8"; case ElementType.I: return "i"; case ElementType.U: case ElementType.String: case ElementType.Ptr: case ElementType.ByRef: case ElementType.Class: case ElementType.Array: case ElementType.SZArray: case ElementType.FnPtr: case ElementType.Object: return SigOfObj; case ElementType.Module: case ElementType.Var: case ElementType.MVar: throw new NotSupportedException($"ToFullName type:{type}"); case ElementType.TypedByRef: return TypeInfo.strTypedByRef; case ElementType.ValueType: { TypeDef typeDef = type.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDef(); if (typeDef == null) { throw new Exception($"type:{type} definition could not be found. Please try `HybridCLR/Genergate/LinkXml`, then Build once to generate the AOT dll, and then regenerate the bridge function"); } if (typeDef.IsEnum) { return ToFullName(typeDef.GetEnumUnderlyingType()); } return ToValueTypeFullName((ClassOrValueTypeSig)type); } case ElementType.GenericInst: { GenericInstSig gis = (GenericInstSig)type; if (!gis.GenericType.IsValueType) { return SigOfObj; } TypeDef typeDef = gis.GenericType.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDef(); if (typeDef.IsEnum) { return ToFullName(typeDef.GetEnumUnderlyingType()); } return $"{ToValueTypeFullName(gis.GenericType)}<{string.Join(",", gis.GenericArguments.Select(a => ToFullName(a)))}>"; } default: throw new NotSupportedException($"{type.ElementType}"); } } private static bool IsSystemOrUnityAssembly(ModuleDef module) { if (module.IsCoreLibraryModule == true) { return true; } string assName = module.Assembly.Name.String; return assName.StartsWith("System.") || assName.StartsWith("UnityEngine."); } private static string ToValueTypeFullName(ClassOrValueTypeSig type) { TypeDef typeDef = type.ToTypeDefOrRef().ResolveTypeDef(); if (typeDef == null) { throw new Exception($"type:{type} resolve fail"); } if (typeDef.DeclaringType != null) { return $"{ToValueTypeFullName((ClassOrValueTypeSig)typeDef.DeclaringType.ToTypeSig())}/{typeDef.Name}"; } if (IsSystemOrUnityAssembly(typeDef.Module)) { return type.FullName; } return $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(typeDef.Module.Name)}:{typeDef.FullName}"; } public void GenerateStructureSignatureStub(List types, List lines) { lines.Add("FullName2Signature hybridclr::interpreter::g_fullName2SignatureStub[] = {"); foreach (var type in types) { TypeInfo isoType = ToIsomorphicType(type); lines.Add($"\t{{\"{ToFullName(type.Klass)}\", \"{isoType.CreateSigName()}\"}},"); } lines.Add("\t{ nullptr, nullptr},"); lines.Add("};"); } public void GenerateManaged2NativeStub(List methods, List lines) { lines.Add($@" Managed2NativeMethodInfo hybridclr::interpreter::g_managed2nativeStub[] = {{ "); foreach (var method in methods) { lines.Add($"\t{{\"{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}\", __M2N_{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}}},"); } lines.Add($"\t{{nullptr, nullptr}},"); lines.Add("};"); } public void GenerateNative2ManagedStub(List methods, List lines) { lines.Add($@" Native2ManagedMethodInfo hybridclr::interpreter::g_native2managedStub[] = {{ "); foreach (var method in methods) { lines.Add($"\t{{\"{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}\", (Il2CppMethodPointer)__N2M_{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}}},"); } lines.Add($"\t{{nullptr, nullptr}},"); lines.Add("};"); } public void GenerateAdjustThunkStub(List methods, List lines) { lines.Add($@" NativeAdjustThunkMethodInfo hybridclr::interpreter::g_adjustThunkStub[] = {{ "); foreach (var method in methods) { lines.Add($"\t{{\"{method.CreateInvokeSigName()}\", (Il2CppMethodPointer)__N2M_AdjustorThunk_{method.CreateCallSigName()}}},"); } lines.Add($"\t{{nullptr, nullptr}},"); lines.Add("};"); } private string GetManaged2NativePassParam(TypeInfo type, string varName) { return $"M2NFromValueOrAddress<{type.GetTypeName()}>({varName})"; } private string GetNative2ManagedPassParam(TypeInfo type, string varName) { return type.NeedExpandValue() ? $"(uint64_t)({varName})" : $"N2MAsUint64ValueOrAddress<{type.GetTypeName()}>({varName})"; } public void GenerateManaged2NativeMethod(MethodDesc method, List lines) { string paramListStr = string.Join(", ", method.ParamInfos.Select(p => $"{p.Type.GetTypeName()} __arg{p.Index}").Concat(new string[] { "const MethodInfo* method" })); string paramNameListStr = string.Join(", ", method.ParamInfos.Select(p => GetManaged2NativePassParam(p.Type, $"localVarBase+argVarIndexs[{p.Index}]")).Concat(new string[] { "method" })); lines.Add($@" static void __M2N_{method.CreateCallSigName()}(const MethodInfo* method, uint16_t* argVarIndexs, StackObject* localVarBase, void* ret) {{ typedef {method.ReturnInfo.Type.GetTypeName()} (*NativeMethod)({paramListStr}); {(!method.ReturnInfo.IsVoid ? $"*({method.ReturnInfo.Type.GetTypeName()}*)ret = " : "")}((NativeMethod)(method->methodPointerCallByInterp))({paramNameListStr}); }} "); } public string GenerateArgumentSizeAndOffset(List paramInfos) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); int index = 0; foreach (var param in paramInfos) { s.AppendLine($"\tconstexpr int __ARG_OFFSET_{index}__ = {(index > 0 ? $"__ARG_OFFSET_{index - 1}__ + __ARG_SIZE_{index-1}__" : "0")};"); s.AppendLine($"\tconstexpr int __ARG_SIZE_{index}__ = (sizeof(__arg{index}) + 7)/8;"); index++; } s.AppendLine($"\tconstexpr int __TOTAL_ARG_SIZE__ = {(paramInfos.Count > 0 ? $"__ARG_OFFSET_{index-1}__ + __ARG_SIZE_{index-1}__" : "1")};"); return s.ToString(); } public string GenerateCopyArgumentToInterpreterStack(List paramInfos) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); int index = 0; foreach (var param in paramInfos) { if (param.Type.IsPrimitiveType) { if (param.Type.NeedExpandValue()) { s.AppendLine($"\targs[__ARG_OFFSET_{index}__].u64 = __arg{index};"); } else { s.AppendLine($"\t*({param.Type.GetTypeName()}*)(args + __ARG_OFFSET_{index}__) = __arg{index};"); } } else { s.AppendLine($"\t*({param.Type.GetTypeName()}*)(args + __ARG_OFFSET_{index}__) = __arg{index};"); } index++; } return s.ToString(); } private void GenerateNative2ManagedMethod0(MethodDesc method, bool adjustorThunk, List lines) { string paramListStr = string.Join(", ", method.ParamInfos.Select(p => $"{p.Type.GetTypeName()} __arg{p.Index}").Concat(new string[] { "const MethodInfo* method" })); lines.Add($@" static {method.ReturnInfo.Type.GetTypeName()} __N2M_{(adjustorThunk ? "AdjustorThunk_" : "")}{method.CreateCallSigName()}({paramListStr}) {{ {(adjustorThunk ? "__arg0 += sizeof(Il2CppObject);" : "")} {GenerateArgumentSizeAndOffset(method.ParamInfos)} StackObject args[__TOTAL_ARG_SIZE__]; {GenerateCopyArgumentToInterpreterStack(method.ParamInfos)} {(method.ReturnInfo.IsVoid ? "Interpreter::Execute(method, args, nullptr);" : $"{method.ReturnInfo.Type.GetTypeName()} ret; Interpreter::Execute(method, args, &ret); return ret;")} }} "); } public void GenerateNative2ManagedMethod(MethodDesc method, List lines) { GenerateNative2ManagedMethod0(method, false, lines); } public void GenerateAdjustThunkMethod(MethodDesc method, List lines) { GenerateNative2ManagedMethod0(method, true, lines); } } }