using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; namespace HybridCLR.Editor.Settings { [FilePath("ProjectSettings/HybridCLRSettings.asset")] public class HybridCLRSettings : ScriptableSingleton { [Tooltip("enable HybridCLR")] public bool enable = true; [Tooltip("use il2cpp in unity editor installation location")] public bool useGlobalIl2cpp; [Tooltip("hybridclr repo URL")] public string hybridclrRepoURL = ""; [Tooltip("il2cpp_plus repo URL")] public string il2cppPlusRepoURL = ""; [Tooltip("hot update assembly definitions(asd)")] public AssemblyDefinitionAsset[] hotUpdateAssemblyDefinitions; [Tooltip("hot update assembly names(without .dll suffix)")] public string[] hotUpdateAssemblies; [Tooltip("preserved hot update assembly names(without .dll suffix)")] public string[] preserveHotUpdateAssemblies; [Tooltip("output directory of compiling hot update assemblies")] public string hotUpdateDllCompileOutputRootDir = "HybridCLRData/HotUpdateDlls"; [Tooltip("searching paths of external hot update assemblies")] public string[] externalHotUpdateAssembliyDirs; [Tooltip("output directory of stripped AOT assemblies")] public string strippedAOTDllOutputRootDir = "HybridCLRData/AssembliesPostIl2CppStrip"; [Tooltip("supplementary metadata assembly names(without .dll suffix)")] public string[] patchAOTAssemblies; [Tooltip("output file of automatic generated link.xml by scanning hot update assemblies")] public string outputLinkFile = "HybridCLRGenerate/link.xml"; [Tooltip("output file of automatic generated AOTGenericReferences.cs")] public string outputAOTGenericReferenceFile = "HybridCLRGenerate/AOTGenericReferences.cs"; [Tooltip("max iteration count of searching generic methods in hot update assemblies")] public int maxGenericReferenceIteration = 10; [Tooltip("max iteration count of searching method bridge generic methods in AOT assemblies")] public int maxMethodBridgeGenericIteration = 10; [Tooltip("enable profiler support when publishing in release mode")] public bool enableProfilerInReleaseBuild = false; [Tooltip("enable StraceTrace support when publishing to the WebGL platform in release mode")] public bool enableStraceTraceInWebGLReleaseBuild = false; } }