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2025-01-20 12:55:54 +08:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Store;
using Windows.System;
using Windows.UI.Core;
#pragma warning disable 4014
namespace UnityEngine.Purchasing.Default
class WinRTStore : IWindowsIAP
private IWindowsIAPCallback callback;
private ICurrentApp currentApp;
private Dictionary<string, string> transactionIdToProductId = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private int m_loginDelay;
public WinRTStore(ICurrentApp currentApp)
this.currentApp = currentApp;
public void Initialize(IWindowsIAPCallback callback)
this.callback = callback;
this.m_loginDelay = 30;
public void Initialize(IWindowsIAPCallback callback, int delayTime = 30)
this.callback = callback;
this.m_loginDelay = delayTime;
public void SetLoginDelay(int delayTime)
this.m_loginDelay = delayTime;
public int LoginDelay()
return m_loginDelay;
public void RetrieveProducts(bool persistent)
RunOnUIThread(() =>
if (LoginDelay() > 0)
PollForProducts(persistent, 0, LoginDelay(), true, false);
PollForProducts(persistent, 0);
private async void PollForProducts(bool persistent, int delay, int retryCount = 10, bool tryLogin = false, bool loginAttempted = false, bool productsOnly = false)
await Task.Delay(delay);
var result = await DoRetrieveProducts(productsOnly);
catch (Exception e)
LogError("PollForProducts() Exception (persistent = {0}, delay = {1}, retry = {2}), exception: {3}", persistent, delay, retryCount, e.Message);
// NB: persistent here is used to distinguish when this is used by restoreTransactions() so we will
// keep it intact and supplement for retries on initialization
if (persistent)
// This seems to indicate the App is not uploaded on
// the dev portal, but is undocumented by Microsoft.
if (e.Message.Contains("801900CC"))
LogError("Exception loading listing information: {0}", e.Message);
// JDRjr: in the main store code this is not being checked correctly
// and will result in repeated init attempts. Leaving it for now, but broken...
else if (e.Message.Contains("80070525"))
LogError("PollForProducts() User not signed in error HResult = 0x{0:X} (delay = {1}, retry = {2})", e.HResult, delay, retryCount);
if ((delay == 0) && (productsOnly == false))
// First time failure give products only a try
PollForProducts(true, 1000, retryCount, tryLogin, loginAttempted, true);
// Gonna call this an error
LogError("Calling OnProductListError() delay = {0}, productsOnly = {1}", delay, productsOnly);
callback.OnProductListError("801900CC because the C# code is broken");
// other (no special handling) error codes
// Wait up to 5 mins.
// JDRjr: this seems like too long...
delay = Math.Max(5000, delay);
var newDelay = Math.Min(300000, delay * 2);
PollForProducts(true, newDelay);
// This is a restore attempt that has thrown an exception
// We should allow for a login attempt here as well...
if (tryLogin == true)
var uri = new Uri("ms-windows-store://signin");
var loginResult = await global::Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);
PollForProducts(true, 1000, retryCount, false, true, false);
if (retryCount > 0)
if (loginAttempted)
// Will wait for retryCount seconds...
PollForProducts(true, 1000, --retryCount, false, true);
// Wait up to 5 mins.
delay = Math.Max(5000, delay);
var newDelay = Math.Min(300000, delay * 2);
PollForProducts(true, newDelay, --retryCount, false, false);
callback.OnProductListError("801900CC because the C# code is broken");
} // end of catch()
private async Task<WinProductDescription[]> DoRetrieveProducts(bool productsOnly)
ListingInformation result = await currentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();
if (productsOnly == false)
// We need a comprehensive list of transaction IDs for owned items.
// Microsoft make this difficult by failing to provide transaction IDs
// on product licenses that are owned.
// Therefore two data sets are joined; unfulfilled consumables (which have product IDs)
// and transactions from the App receipt (Durables).
var unfulfilledConsumables = await currentApp.GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync();
var transactionMap = unfulfilledConsumables.ToDictionary(x => x.ProductId, x => x.TransactionId.ToString());
// Add transaction IDs from our app receipt.
string appReceipt = null;
appReceipt = await currentApp.RequestAppReceiptAsync();
catch (Exception e)
LogError("Unable to retrieve app receipt:{0}", e.Message);
var receiptTransactions = XMLUtils.ParseProducts(appReceipt);
foreach (var receiptTran in receiptTransactions)
transactionMap[receiptTran.productId] = receiptTran.transactionId;
// Create fake transaction Ids for any owned items that we can't find transaction IDs for.
foreach (var license in currentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses)
if (!transactionMap.ContainsKey(license.Key))
transactionMap[license.Key] = license.Key.GetHashCode().ToString();
// Construct our products including receipts and transaction ID where owned
var productDescriptions = from listing in result.ProductListings.Values
let priceDecimal = TryParsePrice(listing.FormattedPrice)
let transactionId = transactionMap.ContainsKey(listing.ProductId) ? transactionMap[listing.ProductId] : null
let receipt = transactionId == null ? null : appReceipt
select new WinProductDescription(listing.ProductId,
listing.FormattedPrice, listing.Name, string.Empty, RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.ISOCurrencySymbol,
priceDecimal, receipt, transactionId);
// Transaction IDs tracked for finalising transactions
transactionIdToProductId = transactionMap.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key);
return productDescriptions.ToArray();
var productDescriptions = from listing in result.ProductListings.Values
let priceDecimal = TryParsePrice(listing.FormattedPrice)
select new WinProductDescription(listing.ProductId,
listing.FormattedPrice, listing.Name, string.Empty, RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.ISOCurrencySymbol,
priceDecimal, null, null);
return productDescriptions.ToArray();
private decimal TryParsePrice(string formattedPrice)
decimal price = 0;
decimal.TryParse(formattedPrice, NumberStyles.Currency, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out price);
return price;
public void Purchase(string productId)
RunOnUIThread(async () =>
var result = await currentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productId);
switch (result.Status)
case ProductPurchaseStatus.Succeeded:
onPurchaseSucceeded(productId, result.ReceiptXml, result.TransactionId);
case ProductPurchaseStatus.NotFulfilled:
case ProductPurchaseStatus.AlreadyPurchased:
case ProductPurchaseStatus.NotPurchased:
callback.OnPurchaseFailed(productId, result.Status.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
callback.OnPurchaseFailed(productId, e.Message);
private async Task FulfillConsumable(string productId, string transactionId)
var result = await currentApp.ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(productId, Guid.Parse(transactionId));
if (FulfillmentResult.Succeeded == result)
lock (transactionIdToProductId)
// It doesn't matter if the consumption succeeds or not.
// If it doesn't, it will eventually be retried automatically.
catch (Exception e)
LogError("Exception consuming {0} : {1} (non-fatal)", productId, e.Message);
private void LogError(string message, params object[] formatArgs)
callback.logError(string.Format("UnityIAPWin8:" + message, formatArgs));
private void onPurchaseSucceeded(string productId, string receipt, Guid transactionId)
var tranId = transactionId.ToString();
// Make a note of which product this transaction pertains to.
lock (transactionIdToProductId)
transactionIdToProductId[tranId] = productId;
callback.OnPurchaseSucceeded(productId, receipt, tranId);
public void FinaliseTransaction(string transactionId)
RunOnUIThread(() =>
// We occasionally supply null transaction IDs,
// to the biller for owned non consumables.
// The biller will try to finalise these, so we
// ignore them.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionId))
if (transactionIdToProductId.ContainsKey(transactionId))
FulfillConsumable(transactionIdToProductId[transactionId], transactionId);
callback.logError("Nothing to fulfill for transaction " + transactionId);
private static void RunOnUIThread(Action a)
CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
/// <summary>
/// Builds a dummy list of Products.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="products"> The list of product descriptions. </param>
public void BuildDummyProducts(List<WinProductDescription> products)
#pragma warning restore 4014