# [Apple Family Sharing](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/subscriptions/#family-sharing) ## Introduction Apple allows auto-renewable subscriptions and non-consumable in-app purchases to be shared within a family. In order to use this feature, Family Sharing must be enabled on a per purchasable basis. See [Turn on Family Sharing for in-app purchases](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev45b03fab9). ### Is Family Shareable The family shareable status of a product is available through the `isFamilyShareable` field found in the Apple product metadata. The metadata can be obtained from `ProductMetadata.GetAppleProductMetadata()` via `IStoreController.products`. ```` bool IsProductFamilyShareable(Product product) { var appleProductMetadata = product.metadata.GetAppleProductMetadata(); return appleProductMetadata?.isFamilyShareable ?? false; } ```` ### Revoke Entitlement In order to be handle revoked entitlements, you can specify a listener through the `IAppleConfiguration.SetEntitlementsRevokedListener(Action>`. This will be called each time products have been revoked with the list of revoked products. ```` void InitializePurchasing() { var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance()); builder.Configure().SetEntitlementsRevokedListener(EntitlementsRevokeListener); UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder); } void EntitlementsRevokeListener(List revokedProducts) { foreach (var revokedProduct in revokedProducts) { Debug.Log($"Revoked product: {revokedProduct.definition.id}"); } } ````