using Unity.Services.Core; namespace UnityEngine.Purchasing { class UnityServicesInitializationChecker : IUnityServicesInitializationChecker { const string UgsUninitializedMessage = "Unity In-App Purchasing requires Unity Gaming Services to have been initialized before use.\n" + "- Find out how to initialize Unity Gaming Services by following the documentation\n" + "or download the 06 Initialize Gaming Services sample from Package Manager > In-App Purchasing > Samples.\n" + "- If you are using the codeless API, you may want to enable the enable Unity Gaming Services automatic initialization " + "by checking the Automatically initialize Unity Gaming Services checkbox at the bottom of the IAP Catalog window"; readonly ILogger m_Logger; public UnityServicesInitializationChecker(ILogger logger) { m_Logger = logger; } public void CheckAndLogWarning() { if (IsUninitialized()) { LogWarning(); } } bool IsUninitialized() { try { return UnityServices.State == ServicesInitializationState.Uninitialized; } catch (ServicesInitializationException exception) { m_Logger.LogIAPWarning($"Exception while getting UnityServices.State: {exception.Message}"); return false; } } void LogWarning() { m_Logger.LogIAPWarning(UgsUninitializedMessage); } } }