using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using LipingShare.LCLib.Asn1Processor; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace UnityEngine.Purchasing.Security { /// /// This class will validate the Apple receipt is signed with the correct certificate. /// public class AppleValidator { private X509Cert cert; private AppleReceiptParser parser = new AppleReceiptParser(); /// /// Constructs an instance with Apple Certificate. /// /// The apple certificate. public AppleValidator(byte[] appleRootCertificate) { cert = new X509Cert(appleRootCertificate); } /// /// Validate that the Apple receipt is signed correctly. /// /// The Apple receipt to validate. /// The parsed AppleReceipt /// The exception thrown if the receipt is incorrectly signed. public AppleReceipt Validate(byte[] receiptData) { PKCS7 receipt; var result = parser.Parse(receiptData, out receipt); if (!receipt.Verify(cert, result.receiptCreationDate)) { throw new InvalidSignatureException(); } return result; } } /// /// This class with parse the Apple receipt data received in byte[] into a AppleReceipt object /// public class AppleReceiptParser { // Cache the AppleReceipt object, PKCS7, and raw data for the most recently parsed data. private static Dictionary _mostRecentReceiptData = new Dictionary(); private const string k_AppleReceiptKey = "k_AppleReceiptKey"; private const string k_PKCS7Key = "k_PKCS7Key"; private const string k_ReceiptBytesKey = "k_ReceiptBytesKey"; /// /// Parse the Apple receipt data into a AppleReceipt object /// /// Apple receipt data /// The converted AppleReceipt object from the Apple receipt data public AppleReceipt Parse(byte[] receiptData) { return Parse(receiptData, out _); } internal AppleReceipt Parse(byte[] receiptData, out PKCS7 receipt) { // Avoid Culture-sensitive parsing for the duration of this method CultureInfo originalCulture = PushInvariantCultureOnThread(); try { // Check to see if this receipt has been parsed before. // If so, return the most recent AppleReceipt and PKCS7; do not parse it again. if (_mostRecentReceiptData.ContainsKey(k_AppleReceiptKey) && _mostRecentReceiptData.ContainsKey(k_PKCS7Key) && _mostRecentReceiptData.ContainsKey(k_ReceiptBytesKey) && ArrayEquals(receiptData, (byte[])_mostRecentReceiptData[k_ReceiptBytesKey])) { receipt = (PKCS7)_mostRecentReceiptData[k_PKCS7Key]; return (AppleReceipt)_mostRecentReceiptData[k_AppleReceiptKey]; } using (var stm = new System.IO.MemoryStream(receiptData)) { Asn1Parser parser = new Asn1Parser(); parser.LoadData(stm); receipt = new PKCS7(parser.RootNode); var result = ParseReceipt(; // Cache the receipt info _mostRecentReceiptData[k_AppleReceiptKey] = result; _mostRecentReceiptData[k_PKCS7Key] = receipt; _mostRecentReceiptData[k_ReceiptBytesKey] = receiptData; return result; } } finally { PopCultureOffThread(originalCulture); } } /// /// Use InvariantCulture on this thread to avoid provoking Culture-sensitive reactions. /// E.g. when using DateTime.Parse we might load the host's current Culture, and that may /// have been stripped, and so this non-default culture would cause a crash. /// (*) NOTE Culture stripping for IL2CPP will be reduced in future Unitys in 2021 /// (unity/il2cpp@5d3712f). /// /// private static CultureInfo PushInvariantCultureOnThread() { var originalCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; return originalCulture; } /// /// Restores the original culture to this thread. /// /// private static void PopCultureOffThread(CultureInfo originalCulture) { // Undo our parser Culture-preparations, safely Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = originalCulture; } private AppleReceipt ParseReceipt(Asn1Node data) { if (data == null || data.ChildNodeCount != 1) { throw new InvalidPKCS7Data(); } Asn1Node set = GetSetNode(data); var result = new AppleReceipt(); var inApps = new List(); for (int t = 0; t < set.ChildNodeCount; t++) { var node = set.GetChildNode(t); // Each node should contain three children. if (node.ChildNodeCount == 3) { var type = Asn1Util.BytesToLong(node.GetChildNode(0).Data); var value = node.GetChildNode(2); // See switch (type) { case 2: result.bundleID = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 3: result.appVersion = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 4: result.opaque = value.Data; break; case 5: result.hash = value.Data; break; case 12: var dateString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); result.receiptCreationDate = DateTime.Parse(dateString).ToUniversalTime(); break; case 17: inApps.Add(ParseInAppReceipt(value.GetChildNode(0))); break; case 19: result.originalApplicationVersion = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; } } } result.inAppPurchaseReceipts = inApps.ToArray(); return result; } private Asn1Node GetSetNode(Asn1Node data) { if (data.IsIndefiniteLength && data.ChildNodeCount == 1) { // Explanation: Receipts received from the iOS StoreKit Testing encodes the receipt data one layer deeper than expected. // It also has nodes with "Indeterminate" or "Undefined" length, including the node in question. // Failing to go one node deeper will result in an unparsed receipt. var intermediateNode = data.GetChildNode(0); return intermediateNode.GetChildNode(0); } else { return data.GetChildNode(0); } } private AppleInAppPurchaseReceipt ParseInAppReceipt(Asn1Node inApp) { var result = new AppleInAppPurchaseReceipt(); for (int t = 0; t < inApp.ChildNodeCount; t++) { var node = inApp.GetChildNode(t); if (node.ChildNodeCount == 3) { var type = Asn1Util.BytesToLong(node.GetChildNode(0).Data); var value = node.GetChildNode(2); switch (type) { case 1701: result.quantity = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1702: result.productID = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1703: result.transactionID = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1705: result.originalTransactionIdentifier = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1704: result.purchaseDate = TryParseDateTimeNode(value); break; case 1706: result.originalPurchaseDate = TryParseDateTimeNode(value); break; case 1708: result.subscriptionExpirationDate = TryParseDateTimeNode(value); break; case 1712: result.cancellationDate = TryParseDateTimeNode(value); break; case 1707: // looks like possibly a type? result.productType = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1713: // looks like possibly is_trial? result.isFreeTrial = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; case 1719: result.isIntroductoryPricePeriod = (int)Asn1Util.BytesToLong(value.GetChildNode(0).Data); break; default: break; } } } return result; } /// /// Try and parse a DateTime, returning the minimum DateTime on failure. /// private static DateTime TryParseDateTimeNode(Asn1Node node) { var dateString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(node.GetChildNode(0).Data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateString)) { return DateTime.Parse(dateString).ToUniversalTime(); } return DateTime.MinValue; } /// /// Indicates whether both arrays are the same or contains the same information. /// /// This method is used to validate if the receipts are different. /// /// First object to validate against second object. /// Second object to validate against first object. /// Type of object to check. /// Returns true if they are the same length and contain the same information or else returns false. public static bool ArrayEquals(T[] a, T[] b) where T : IEquatable { if (a.Length != b.Length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { if (!a[i].Equals(b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } } }