## README - In-App Purchasing Sample Scenes - Apple App Store - Upgrading and Downgrading Subscriptions This sample showcases how to use Unity IAP to upgrade and downgrade subscriptions. This allows players to change their subscription, and pay a different amount of money for a different level of service. You can offer users different subscription tiers, such as a base tier and a premium tier or monthly and yearly subscriptions. A user that is already subscribed may be given the opportunity to pay a different amount of money to upgrade or downgrade their subscription's tier to a different service level. On Apple, the user purchases a subscription, and upgrades or downgrades by purchasing a second, or by visiting the [Manage Subscriptions](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204939) sheet. ## Instructions to test this sample: 1. Have in-app purchasing correctly configured with the [Apple App Store](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.purchasing@3.2/manual/UnityIAPAppleConfiguration.html). 2. Configure two subscriptions of different tiers in the Apple App Store, under the same subscription group. This can be as simple as having a "normal" subscription and a "VIP" subscription. Assign both of these products to a single [Subscription Group](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev75708c031). 3. Set your own product's id in the `InAppPurchasing game object > Upgrade Downgrade Subscription script > Normal Subscription Id field / Vip Subscription Id field` or change the `normalSubscriptionId` and `vipSubscriptionId` fields in the `UpgradeDowngradeSubscription.cs` script. 4. Build your project for `iOS`. NOTE: Testing may be complicated and not convincing when using the Apple Sandbox app store. Only certain dialogs may appear, and there may be no "upgrade / downgrade" UI presented. Also the "Manage Subscriptions" Apple iOS feature may not work when testing with the Sandbox. See [Apple's documentation](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev75708c031) on the topic for more information.