## README - In-App Purchasing Sample Scenes - Google Play Store - Restoring Transactions This sample showcases how to use the Google Play Store extensions to restore transactions. This allows users to be granted Non-Consumable and Subscription products they already own after reinstalling the application. ## Instructions to test this sample: 1. Have in-app purchasing correctly configured with the [Google Play Store](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.purchasing@3.1/manual/UnityIAPGoogleConfiguration.html). 2. Configure a non-consumable product. 3. Set your own product's id in the `InAppPurchasing game object > Restoring Transaction script > No Ads Product Id field` or change the `noAdsProductId` field in the `RestoringTransaction.cs` script. 4. Build your project for `Android` and make sure the `GooglePlayStore` is selected*. ###### *You can change the currently selected store under `Services > In-App Purchasing > Configure` and changing the `Current Targeted Store` field. ## Restoring Transactions When a user reinstalls your application they should be granted any Non-Consumable or renewable Subscription products they already own. App stores maintain a permanent record of each user's Non-Consumable and renewable Subscription products which Unity IAP can retrieve. On the Google Play Store, Unity IAP automatically restores any products the user owns during the first initialization following reinstallation; the ``ProcessPurchase`` method of your ``IStoreListener`` will be called for each owned item. See the [documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityIAPRestoringTransactions.html) on the topic for more information.