## README - In-App Purchasing Sample Scenes - Google Play Store - Confirming Subscription Price Change This sample showcases how to use the Google Play Store extensions to confirm subscription price changes. ## Instructions to test this sample: 1. Have in-app purchasing correctly configured with the [Google Play Store](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.purchasing@3.1/manual/UnityIAPGoogleConfiguration.html) . 2. Configure a subscription product. 3. Set your own subscription product's id in the `InAppPurchasing game object > Confirming Subscription Price Change script > Subscription Product Id field` or change the `subscriptionProductId` field in the `ConfirmingSubscriptionPriceChange.cs` script. 4. Build your project for `Android` and make sure the `GooglePlayStore` is selected*. ###### *You can change the currently selected store under `Services > In-App Purchasing > Configure` and changing the `Current Targeted Store` field. ## Confirming Subscription Price Change From [Google's documentation](https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/subscriptions#price-change): > Sometimes, due to regional costs or currency fluctuations, you may decide you need to change the price of your > subscription. If you are willing to keep existing subscribers on the existing price, you can create a new SKU with the > updated price and offer that to new subscribers. > > If you are not able to continue supporting subscribers with the price that was offered when they signed up for your > subscription and are willing to cancel all subscriptions for users that decided not to accept the new price, you can > enforce a mandatory price change. If the user does not agree to the new price, their subscription is cancelled. To > maximize opt-in rates and encourage your users to take action, your app should display messaging to your users about the > upcoming price change. > > When you increase the price of a subscription, you have at least seven days to notify your existing subscribers about > the price change before Google Play can start notifying them.