Implementing a Store ==================== Your store must implement the IStore interface, the methods of which are detailed in following sections. ```` using UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension; public class MyStore : IStore { private IStoreCallback callback; public void Initialize (IStoreCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; } public void RetrieveProducts (System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection products) { // Fetch product information and invoke callback.OnProductsRetrieved(); } public void Purchase (UnityEngine.Purchasing.ProductDefinition product, string developerPayload) { // Start the purchase flow and call either callback.OnPurchaseSucceeded() or callback.OnPurchaseFailed() } public void FinishTransaction (UnityEngine.Purchasing.ProductDefinition product, string transactionId) { // Perform transaction related housekeeping } } ````