using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Purchasing; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Purchasing; namespace UnityEditor.Purchasing { /// /// Customer Editor class for the IAPButtons. This class handle how the IAPButtons should represent itself in the UnityEditor. /// public abstract class AbstractIAPButtonEditor : Editor { private static readonly string[] excludedFields = new string[] { "m_Script", "onTransactionsRestored" }; private static readonly string[] restoreButtonExcludedFields = new string[] { "m_Script", "consumePurchase", "onPurchaseComplete", "onPurchaseFailed", "titleText", "descriptionText", "priceText" }; private const string kNoProduct = ""; private readonly List m_ValidIDs = new List(); private SerializedProperty m_ProductIDProperty; /// /// Event trigger when IAPButton is enabled in the scene. /// protected void OnEnableInternal() { m_ProductIDProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("productId"); } /// /// Event trigger when trying to draw the BaseIAPButton in the inspector. /// protected void OnInspectorGuiInternal() { var isAPurchaseButton = ((BaseIAPButton)target).IsAPurchaseButton(); var productId = ((BaseIAPButton)target).GetProductId(); DrawProductIdDropDown(isAPurchaseButton, productId); } void DrawProductIdDropDown(bool isAPurchaseButton, string productId) { serializedObject.Update(); DrawProductIdDropdownWhenButtonIsPurchaseType(isAPurchaseButton, productId); DrawPropertiesExcluding(serializedObject, isAPurchaseButton ? excludedFields : restoreButtonExcludedFields); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } void DrawProductIdDropdownWhenButtonIsPurchaseType(bool isAPurchaseButton, string productId) { if (isAPurchaseButton) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent("Product ID:", "Select a product from the IAP catalog.")); LoadProductIdsFromCodelessCatalog(); m_ProductIDProperty.stringValue = GetCurrentlySelectedProduct(productId); if (GUILayout.Button("IAP Catalog...")) { ProductCatalogEditor.ShowWindow(); } } } void LoadProductIdsFromCodelessCatalog() { var catalog = ProductCatalog.LoadDefaultCatalog(); m_ValidIDs.Clear(); m_ValidIDs.Add(kNoProduct); foreach (var product in catalog.allProducts) { m_ValidIDs.Add(; } } string GetCurrentlySelectedProduct(string productId) { var currentIndex = string.IsNullOrEmpty(productId) ? 0 : m_ValidIDs.IndexOf(productId); var newIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(currentIndex, m_ValidIDs.ToArray()); return newIndex > 0 && newIndex < m_ValidIDs.Count ? m_ValidIDs[newIndex] : string.Empty; } } }