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15 lines
843 B
README - In-App Purchasing Sample Scenes - Buying Consumables
In this example, you will learn how to initialize the In-App Purchasing package and handle a simple Consumable Product purchase.
This sample uses a fake store for its transactions, to use a real store like the App Store or the Google Play Store, you would need to register your application and add In-App Purchases. For more information, follow the documentation for one of our [supported stores](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.purchasing@3.1/manual/UnityIAPSettingUp.html). Keep in mind that in this sample, product identifiers are kept in the `BuyingConsumables.cs` file.
### Consumables
Consumables are products that users can purchase repeatedly. Consumable Products cannot be restored.
* Virtual currencies
* Health potions
* Temporary power-ups.