
262 lines
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// From unity/unity's UnityEditor.Connect at 1a53aca
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Purchasing
/// <summary>
/// A very lightweight state machine which uses generics as events
/// (unless you have specific needs, enums are recommended) and states
/// (either instance of the base state or your own extensions).
/// </summary>
class SimpleStateMachine<T>
readonly HashSet<T> m_Events = new HashSet<T>();
readonly Dictionary<string, State> m_StateByName = new Dictionary<string, State>();
bool m_Initialized;
/// <summary>
/// The current state
/// </summary>
public State currentState { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the state machine.
/// This should be called after instantiating the state machine and instantiating the initial state.
/// Since the state machine needs an initial state instance and the state needs a state machine instance, the
/// proper order is:
/// 1- instantiate state machine
/// 2- instantiate initial state
/// 3- initialize state machine with initial state
/// A state machine cannot be initialized multiple times. Further attempts will be ignored.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initialState"></param>
public void Initialize(State initialState)
if (!m_Initialized)
if (!StateExists(initialState))
m_Initialized = true;
currentState = initialState;
/// <summary>
/// Clears the current state
/// Allows for a full redraw on the state machine in the activate action without reallocating memory
/// </summary>
public void ClearCurrentState()
if (m_Initialized)
currentState = null;
m_Initialized = false;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new event to the state machine
/// Don't forget that events are sent to states. So when adding an event to the state machine,
/// it generally means that this event should also be configured on some states by using
/// mySimpleStateMachineState.ModifyActionForEvent(myEvent, myHandler);
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simpleStateMachineEvent">the event</param>
public void AddEvent(T simpleStateMachineEvent)
public bool EventExists(T simpleStateMachineEvent)
foreach (var knownEvent in m_Events)
if (knownEvent.Equals(simpleStateMachineEvent))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a copy of the state machine events.
/// Copy means you cannot alter the state machine by altering this list.
/// It's a shallow copy though, be careful what you do with the list entries
/// </summary>
/// <returns>a copy of the state machine events</returns>
public List<T> GetEvents()
return new List<T>(m_Events);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new state to the state machine.
/// This state can be generic (straight instance of SimpleStateMachineState) or an extended version if you need
/// to override the EnterState() method of the SimpleStateMachineState.
/// A state should react to events. Configure the state by using ModifyActionForEvent
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state"></param>
public void AddState(State state)
m_StateByName.Add(, state);
/// <summary>
/// This method is exposed to allow states to return a new state when an event action is completed successfully
/// and a transition is made to another state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stateName">The name of the state to find</param>
/// <returns>The state; or null if none found</returns>
public State GetStateByName(string stateName)
return m_StateByName.ContainsKey(stateName) ? m_StateByName[stateName] : null;
public bool StateExists(State state)
return m_StateByName.ContainsKey(;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a shallow copy of the state machine states.
/// Copy means you cannot alter the state machine by altering this list
/// (but changing the configuration of a state will modify the state machine: shallow copy)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>a copy of the state machine states</returns>
public List<State> GetStates()
return new List<State>(m_StateByName.Values);
/// <summary>
/// Call this method when an event occurs on the state machine.
/// This will often result in a state change, but it's not mandatory.
/// Nothing will happen if the event does not exist within the state machine events'
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simpleStateMachineEvent">The event to process</param>
public void ProcessEvent(T simpleStateMachineEvent)
if (m_Initialized && EventExists(simpleStateMachineEvent))
var previousState = currentState;
currentState = currentState.GetActionForEvent(simpleStateMachineEvent).Invoke(simpleStateMachineEvent);
if (currentState != previousState)
if (currentState != null)
Debug.LogError("SimpleStateMachine.ProcessEvent: " + L10n.Tr("Attempting to change to an undefined state. Contact Unity Support."));
/// <summary>
/// Base state for a simple state machine. It can be used as-is or extended to gain additional functionality
/// </summary>
internal class State
readonly List<ActionForEvent> m_ActionForEvent = new List<ActionForEvent>();
/// <summary>
/// Access to the state machine. Mostly to GetStateByName when transitioning from one state to another
/// </summary>
protected SimpleStateMachine<T> stateMachine { get; }
public string name { get; }
public State(string name, SimpleStateMachine<T> simpleStateMachine)
{ = name;
stateMachine = simpleStateMachine;
public virtual bool ActionExistsForEvent(T simpleStateMachineEvent)
foreach (var actionForEvent in m_ActionForEvent)
if (actionForEvent.simpleStateMachineEvent.Equals(simpleStateMachineEvent))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Updates or Inserts a new action to execute when an event occurs when the state machine is at this state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simpleStateMachineEvent">The event</param>
/// <param name="transitionAction">The action to accomplish when the specified event occurs</param>
public virtual void ModifyActionForEvent(T simpleStateMachineEvent, Func<T, State> transitionAction)
foreach (var actionForEvent in m_ActionForEvent)
if (actionForEvent.simpleStateMachineEvent.Equals(simpleStateMachineEvent))
actionForEvent.action = transitionAction;
m_ActionForEvent.Add(new ActionForEvent(simpleStateMachineEvent, transitionAction));
/// <summary>
/// This method is called by the state machine when an event occurs. By default,
/// if the state machine does not find an action to execute, the state will remain unchanged
/// and the event will be ignored.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simpleStateMachineEvent">the event we search an action for</param>
/// <returns>an action to execute; can be DoNothing if ModifyActionForEvent wasn't done for this event</returns>
public virtual Func<T, State> GetActionForEvent(T simpleStateMachineEvent)
foreach (var actionForEvent in m_ActionForEvent)
if (actionForEvent.simpleStateMachineEvent.Equals(simpleStateMachineEvent))
return actionForEvent.action;
return DoNothing;
/// <summary>
/// Default action taken when no handler is found for an event.
/// Will simply return the current state and thus, does nothing
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
State DoNothing(T simpleStateMachineEvent)
return this;
/// <summary>
/// This method will be called by the state machine when the a state becomes active.
/// It allows to do a common operation on the current state without having all the other states repeat this
/// code within their transition actions.
/// </summary>
public virtual void EnterState() { }
class ActionForEvent
internal T simpleStateMachineEvent { get; }
internal Func<T, State> action { get; set; }
internal ActionForEvent(T simpleStateMachineEvent, Func<T, State> action)
this.simpleStateMachineEvent = simpleStateMachineEvent;
this.action = action;